Lung toxicity induced by the action of champion 50wp fungicide in marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus)

Lung toxicity induced by the action of champion 50wp fungicide in marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus)

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Title: Lung toxicity induced by the action of champion 50wp fungicide in marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus)
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Article_Title: Lung toxicity induced by the action of champion 50wp fungicide in marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus)
Authors: Alina Păunescu1*, Cristina Maria Ponepal1, Alexandru Gabriel Marinescu1
Affiliation: 1 Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Piteşti, Romania
Abstract: The histopathology of Champion 50WP on the lung tissues in marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus), was determined by light microscopy. The frogs were experimentally exposed to sub-lethal concentrations (0.125×10-3/g of body weight) of Champion 50WP for 3 weeks at two thermic levels (4-6ºC and 22-24ºC). Tissues were normal in the control group. Histological examinations showed in treated samples a loss of elasticity in the lung walls, dilated blood capillaries, numerous aggregate erythrocytes around the pneumocytes, and existence of a greater number of goblet cells. In parallel, there is a hyperplasia of pseudostratificated epithelium and inflammatory reaction to toxic is evidenced by the presence of leukocyte infiltrates. The present study proves its toxic potential in terms of the damages induced by Champion 50WP fungicide in lung level. These changes were more powerful at animals that were treated and kept at 22-24ºC.
Keywords: lung, pneumocytes, goblet cell, respiratory epithelium, Pelophylax ridibundus
References: Bishop CA, Mahony N, Struger J, Ng P, Pettit KE, Anuran
development, density and diversity in relation to
agricultural activity in the Holland River watershed,
Ontario, Canada (1990–1992). Environmental
Monitoring and Assessment, 57, 21–43, 1999.
Bradbury SP, Coats JR, Comparative toxicology of the
pyrethroid insecticide. Revi. Environ. Contam.
Toxicol., 108, 133-177, 1989.
Bradbury SP, Mekim MJ, Loats RJ, Physiological
response of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdueri) to acute
fenvalerate intoxication. J.Pest. Biochem. Physiol.,
27, 275-288, 1987.
Chen JC and Lin CH, Toxicity of copper sulfate for
survival, growth, molting and feeding of juvenile
of the tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Aquaculture,
192, 55-65, 2001.
Chiou PWS, Chen CL, Wu CP, Effects of high dietary
copper on the morphology of gastro-intestinal tract
in broiler chickens. Asian-Austalasian Journal of
Animal Science, 12, 548–553, 1999.
Davidson C, Shaffer HB, Jennings MR, Spatial tests of
the pesticide drift, habitat destruction, UV-B, and
climate-change hypotheses for California amphibian
declines. Conservation Biology, 16, 1588–1601,
Davidson C, Declining down wind: amphibian population
declines in California and historical pesticide use.
Ecological Applications 14, 1892–1902, 2004.
DeBoeck GA, Vlaeminck PH, Lock RA, DeWachter
B, Blust R, Morphological and metabolic changes
in common carp, Cyprinus carpio, during shortterm
copper exposure: interaction between Cu2+
and plasma cortisol elevation. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry, 20, 374-381, 2001.
Farkas A, et al, Age and Size Specific Patterns of Heavy
Metals in the Organs of Freshwater Fish Abramis
brama L. Populating a Low Contaminated Site.
Water Res, 37(5), 959–964, 2003.
Figueredo-Fernandes A, Ferreira-Cardoso JV, Garcia-
Santos S, Monteiro SM, Carola J, Matos P,
Fontainhas-Fernandes A, Histopathological
changes in liver and gill epithelium of Nile tilapia,
Oreochromis niloticus, exposed to waterborne
copper. Pesq.Vet.Bras, 27, 103-109, 2007.
Goniakowska-Witalinska L, The histology and
ultrastructure of the Amphibian lung. In: Histology,
Ultrastructure and Immunohistochemistry of the
Respiratory Organs in non-Mammalian Vertebrates.
Pastor LM (Ed.). Secretariado de Publicaciones,
Universidad de Murcia, Spain. pp. 77-112, 1995.
Herkovits J and Pérez-Coll CS, Acclimation to Low
Level Exposure of Copper in Bufo arenarum
Embryos: Linkage of Effects to Tissue Residues.
International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health, 4(2), 166-172, 2007.
Hermida GN, Fiorito LE, Estereoultraestructura del
pulmón de anuros bufónidos. I. Bufo arenarum.
Cuadernos de Herpetología, 8(1), 25-29, 1994.
Hermida GN, Fiorito LE, Farías A, The lung of the
common toad, Bufo arenarum (Anura: Bufonidae).
A light and electron microscopy study. Biocell,
22(1), 19-26, 1998.
Houlahan JE, Findlay CS, The effects of adjacent land
use on wetland amphibian species richness and
community composition. Canadian Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 60, 1078–1094,
Juncueira LCU, Bignolas G, Brentani RR, Picrosirius
staining plus polarization microscopy, a specific
method for collagen detection in tissue section.
Histochemical Journal. 11, 447–455, 1978.
Karan V, Vitorovic S, Tutundzic V, Poleksic V, Functional
enzymes activity and gill histology of carp after
copper sulfate exposure and recovery. Ecotoxicol.
Environ.Saf., 40, 49-55, 1998.
LeNoir JS, McConnell LL, Fellers GM, Cahill TM,
Seiber JN, Summertime transport of current-use
pesticides from California’s Central Valley to the
Sierra Nevada mountain range, USA. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry, 18, 2715–2722, 1999.
Mpofu IDT, Ndlovu LR, Casey NH, The Copper, Cobalt,
Iron, Selenium and Zinc Status of cattle in the
Sanyati and Chinamhora small holder grazing areas
of Zimbabwe. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal
Science, 12, 579–584, 1999.
Osman MM, El-Fiky SA, Soheir YM, Abur AI, Impact
of Water Pollution on Histopathological and
Electrophoretic Characters of Oreochromis niloticus
Fish. Research Journal of Env. Toxicol, 3(1), 9-23,
Ouellet M, Bonin J, Rodrigue J, Desgranges JL, Lair S,
Hindlimb deformities (ectromelia, ectrodactyly)
in free-living anurans from agricultural habitats.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 33, 95–104, 1997.
Păunescu A, Ponepal CM, Drăghici O, Marinescu AlG,
Histopathological responses of the liver tissues of
Rana ridibunda to the Champions 50WP fungicide.
Annals. Food Science and Technology, 11(2), 60-
64, 2010.
Relyea RA, Mills N, Predator-induced stress makes the
pesticide carbaryl more deadly to gray treefrog
tadpoles (Hyla versicolor). Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America, 98, 2491–2496, 2001.
Taylor B, Skelly D, Demarchis LK, Slade MD, Galusha
D, Rabinowitz PM, Proximity to pollution
sources and risk of amphibian limb malformation.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 113, 1497–
1501, 2005.
Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-2-2011/SU21-2-2011Paunescu.pdf
Correspondence: Alina Păunescu, Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Piteşti, Romania

Read full article
Article Title: Lung toxicity induced by the action of champion 50wp fungicide in marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus)
Authors: Alina Păunescu1*, Cristina Maria Ponepal1, Alexandru Gabriel Marinescu1
Affiliation: 1 Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Piteşti, Romania
Abstract: The histopathology of Champion 50WP on the lung tissues in marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus), was determined by light microscopy. The frogs were experimentally exposed to sub-lethal concentrations (0.125×10-3/g of body weight) of Champion 50WP for 3 weeks at two thermic levels (4-6ºC and 22-24ºC). Tissues were normal in the control group. Histological examinations showed in treated samples a loss of elasticity in the lung walls, dilated blood capillaries, numerous aggregate erythrocytes around the pneumocytes, and existence of a greater number of goblet cells. In parallel, there is a hyperplasia of pseudostratificated epithelium and inflammatory reaction to toxic is evidenced by the presence of leukocyte infiltrates. The present study proves its toxic potential in terms of the damages induced by Champion 50WP fungicide in lung level. These changes were more powerful at animals that were treated and kept at 22-24ºC.
Keywords: lung, pneumocytes, goblet cell, respiratory epithelium, Pelophylax ridibundus
References: Bishop CA, Mahony N, Struger J, Ng P, Pettit KE, Anuran
development, density and diversity in relation to
agricultural activity in the Holland River watershed,
Ontario, Canada (1990–1992). Environmental
Monitoring and Assessment, 57, 21–43, 1999.
Bradbury SP, Coats JR, Comparative toxicology of the
pyrethroid insecticide. Revi. Environ. Contam.
Toxicol., 108, 133-177, 1989.
Bradbury SP, Mekim MJ, Loats RJ, Physiological
response of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdueri) to acute
fenvalerate intoxication. J.Pest. Biochem. Physiol.,
27, 275-288, 1987.
Chen JC and Lin CH, Toxicity of copper sulfate for
survival, growth, molting and feeding of juvenile
of the tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Aquaculture,
192, 55-65, 2001.
Chiou PWS, Chen CL, Wu CP, Effects of high dietary
copper on the morphology of gastro-intestinal tract
in broiler chickens. Asian-Austalasian Journal of
Animal Science, 12, 548–553, 1999.
Davidson C, Shaffer HB, Jennings MR, Spatial tests of
the pesticide drift, habitat destruction, UV-B, and
climate-change hypotheses for California amphibian
declines. Conservation Biology, 16, 1588–1601,
Davidson C, Declining down wind: amphibian population
declines in California and historical pesticide use.
Ecological Applications 14, 1892–1902, 2004.
DeBoeck GA, Vlaeminck PH, Lock RA, DeWachter
B, Blust R, Morphological and metabolic changes
in common carp, Cyprinus carpio, during shortterm
copper exposure: interaction between Cu2+
and plasma cortisol elevation. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry, 20, 374-381, 2001.
Farkas A, et al, Age and Size Specific Patterns of Heavy
Metals in the Organs of Freshwater Fish Abramis
brama L. Populating a Low Contaminated Site.
Water Res, 37(5), 959–964, 2003.
Figueredo-Fernandes A, Ferreira-Cardoso JV, Garcia-
Santos S, Monteiro SM, Carola J, Matos P,
Fontainhas-Fernandes A, Histopathological
changes in liver and gill epithelium of Nile tilapia,
Oreochromis niloticus, exposed to waterborne
copper. Pesq.Vet.Bras, 27, 103-109, 2007.
Goniakowska-Witalinska L, The histology and
ultrastructure of the Amphibian lung. In: Histology,
Ultrastructure and Immunohistochemistry of the
Respiratory Organs in non-Mammalian Vertebrates.
Pastor LM (Ed.). Secretariado de Publicaciones,
Universidad de Murcia, Spain. pp. 77-112, 1995.
Herkovits J and Pérez-Coll CS, Acclimation to Low
Level Exposure of Copper in Bufo arenarum
Embryos: Linkage of Effects to Tissue Residues.
International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health, 4(2), 166-172, 2007.
Hermida GN, Fiorito LE, Estereoultraestructura del
pulmón de anuros bufónidos. I. Bufo arenarum.
Cuadernos de Herpetología, 8(1), 25-29, 1994.
Hermida GN, Fiorito LE, Farías A, The lung of the
common toad, Bufo arenarum (Anura: Bufonidae).
A light and electron microscopy study. Biocell,
22(1), 19-26, 1998.
Houlahan JE, Findlay CS, The effects of adjacent land
use on wetland amphibian species richness and
community composition. Canadian Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 60, 1078–1094,
Juncueira LCU, Bignolas G, Brentani RR, Picrosirius
staining plus polarization microscopy, a specific
method for collagen detection in tissue section.
Histochemical Journal. 11, 447–455, 1978.
Karan V, Vitorovic S, Tutundzic V, Poleksic V, Functional
enzymes activity and gill histology of carp after
copper sulfate exposure and recovery. Ecotoxicol.
Environ.Saf., 40, 49-55, 1998.
LeNoir JS, McConnell LL, Fellers GM, Cahill TM,
Seiber JN, Summertime transport of current-use
pesticides from California’s Central Valley to the
Sierra Nevada mountain range, USA. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry, 18, 2715–2722, 1999.
Mpofu IDT, Ndlovu LR, Casey NH, The Copper, Cobalt,
Iron, Selenium and Zinc Status of cattle in the
Sanyati and Chinamhora small holder grazing areas
of Zimbabwe. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal
Science, 12, 579–584, 1999.
Osman MM, El-Fiky SA, Soheir YM, Abur AI, Impact
of Water Pollution on Histopathological and
Electrophoretic Characters of Oreochromis niloticus
Fish. Research Journal of Env. Toxicol, 3(1), 9-23,
Ouellet M, Bonin J, Rodrigue J, Desgranges JL, Lair S,
Hindlimb deformities (ectromelia, ectrodactyly)
in free-living anurans from agricultural habitats.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 33, 95–104, 1997.
Păunescu A, Ponepal CM, Drăghici O, Marinescu AlG,
Histopathological responses of the liver tissues of
Rana ridibunda to the Champions 50WP fungicide.
Annals. Food Science and Technology, 11(2), 60-
64, 2010.
Relyea RA, Mills N, Predator-induced stress makes the
pesticide carbaryl more deadly to gray treefrog
tadpoles (Hyla versicolor). Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America, 98, 2491–2496, 2001.
Taylor B, Skelly D, Demarchis LK, Slade MD, Galusha
D, Rabinowitz PM, Proximity to pollution
sources and risk of amphibian limb malformation.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 113, 1497–
1501, 2005.
*Correspondence: Alina Păunescu, Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Piteşti, Romania