Vacuole formations identified in the cells of the foliar Mesophyll of the young leaves of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum harvested from natural environment

Vacuole formations identified in the cells of the foliar Mesophyll of the young leaves of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum harvested from natural environment

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Title: Vacuole formations identified in the cells of the foliar Mesophyll of the young leaves of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum harvested from natural environment
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Article_Title: Vacuole formations identified in the cells of the foliar Mesophyll of the young leaves of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum harvested from natural environment
Authors: Mirela Ardelean1, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma1, Constantin Crăciun2
Affiliation: 1. “Vasile Goldiş” Western University from Arad, Romania
2. Electron Microscopy Center, „Babeş- Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Abstract: The examinations of the electronic microscopy made by us permitted the evidence in the vacuoles of some cells of the foliar mesophyll of the young leaves of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum, driven from the natural environment, of some measures hard to distinguish from the optical microscopy examinations, like the fine crystals of calcium oxalate, either as wise, either having attached corpuscles of phospholipidic nature, strong electron dense, making organic-molecular conglomerates, either filiform aggregates, scattered in the aggregation of the vacuole, either spheroid phlocular formations (we believe of mucilaginous nature), elaborated by the elements of the Golgi apparatus, which were moved towards the vacuole while being created, they crossed by the tonoplast and were spread in the vacuolar sap, by the golgi vesicles. The transversal section practiced through the spheroid aggregations multifibriliar, present in the vacuolar sap of some mesophilic cells from Sedum telephium ssp. maximum leaves facilitated the discovery in the structure of the filiform aggregates in the spheres areas. So, the external area of the sphere remains multifibriliar, but made of fibers grouped in different light facsicles; towards, the interior of the sphere it comes out another optical clear area, without fibrils; but in the center of the sphere can be distinguished a third area occupied by multitude of fine floccular aggregates, apparently unorganized. Gradually, such spheroid formation constituted in three- phases proportion as they appear to invade the lumen of those cells and the cellular organites are disintegrated and the cells become „deposits”, probably of mucilage’s.
Keywords: foliar Mesophyll, leaves, Sedum telephium ssp. maximum
References: Cachiţă C. D., Ardelean A. (2009) – Tratat de biotehnologie vegetală, vol II; Ed. Dacia Cluj- Napoca.
2. Kean Ch. I., (1924) – The morphology and physiology of the leaves of some Crassulaceae Trans. Bot. soc. Edinb., 29: pp. 96-104.
3. Knopf O, Kluge M. ( 1979) – Proprieties of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in Sedum species in relation to crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), Plant Cell and Environment 2, pp.73-78.
4. Metcalfe C. R., Chalk L. (1972) – Crassulaceae, in Anatomy of the Dicotyledons, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 578-581.
5. Nordal, A. and Klevstrand, R. (1951) -Studies of the constituents of crassulacean plants. I. Paperchromatographic investigation of the free sugars of some Sedum, Sempervivum, Echeveria, and Crassula species. Acta Chem. Scand. 5, pp. 85-88.
6. Paris, R. R.; Frigot, P. (1959) -Sur l’isolement d’une flavanone à partir d’une Crassulacée indigène, le Sedum altissimum Poir. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, v. 249, pp. 560-561.
7. Soderstrom P.; Thomas M. (1962) – Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, The isocitric acid con- tent of crassulacean plants and a few succulent species from other families. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49 (8), pp. 850-855.
8. Stahl E. (1967) – Dünnschichtchromatographie, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, Ed. II, pp. 361-374.
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Article Title: Vacuole formations identified in the cells of the foliar Mesophyll of the young leaves of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum harvested from natural environment
Authors: Mirela Ardelean1, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma1, Constantin Crăciun2
Affiliation: 1. “Vasile Goldiş” Western University from Arad, Romania
2. Electron Microscopy Center, „Babeş- Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Abstract: The examinations of the electronic microscopy made by us permitted the evidence in the vacuoles of some cells of the foliar mesophyll of the young leaves of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum, driven from the natural environment, of some measures hard to distinguish from the optical microscopy examinations, like the fine crystals of calcium oxalate, either as wise, either having attached corpuscles of phospholipidic nature, strong electron dense, making organic-molecular conglomerates, either filiform aggregates, scattered in the aggregation of the vacuole, either spheroid phlocular formations (we believe of mucilaginous nature), elaborated by the elements of the Golgi apparatus, which were moved towards the vacuole while being created, they crossed by the tonoplast and were spread in the vacuolar sap, by the golgi vesicles. The transversal section practiced through the spheroid aggregations multifibriliar, present in the vacuolar sap of some mesophilic cells from Sedum telephium ssp. maximum leaves facilitated the discovery in the structure of the filiform aggregates in the spheres areas. So, the external area of the sphere remains multifibriliar, but made of fibers grouped in different light facsicles; towards, the interior of the sphere it comes out another optical clear area, without fibrils; but in the center of the sphere can be distinguished a third area occupied by multitude of fine floccular aggregates, apparently unorganized. Gradually, such spheroid formation constituted in three- phases proportion as they appear to invade the lumen of those cells and the cellular organites are disintegrated and the cells become „deposits”, probably of mucilage’s.
Keywords: foliar Mesophyll, leaves, Sedum telephium ssp. maximum
References: Cachiţă C. D., Ardelean A. (2009) – Tratat de biotehnologie vegetală, vol II; Ed. Dacia Cluj-Napoca.
2. Kean Ch. I., (1924) – The morphology and physiology of the leaves of some Crassulaceae Trans. Bot. soc. Edinb., 29: pp. 96-104.
3. Knopf O, Kluge M. ( 1979) – Proprieties of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in Sedum species in relation to crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), Plant Cell and Environment 2, pp.73-78.
4. Metcalfe C. R., Chalk L. (1972) – Crassulaceae, in Anatomy of the Dicotyledons, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 578-581.
5. Nordal, A. and Klevstrand, R. (1951) -Studies of the constituents of crassulacean plants. I. Paperchromatographic investigation of the free sugars of some Sedum, Sempervivum, Echeveria, and Crassula species. Acta Chem. Scand. 5, pp. 85-88.
6. Paris, R. R.; Frigot, P. (1959) -Sur l’isolement d’une flavanone à partir d’une Crassulacée indigène, le Sedum altissimum Poir. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, v. 249, pp. 560-561.
7. Soderstrom P.; Thomas M. (1962) – Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, The isocitric acid con- tent of crassulacean plants and a few succulent species from other families. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49 (8), pp. 850-855.
8. Stahl E. (1967) – Dünnschichtchromatographie, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, Ed. II, pp. 361-374.