Unhealthy behavior of the students in professional secondary schools related to the family structure
September 11, 2011
Unhealthy behavior of the students in professional secondary schools related to the family structure
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Title: | Unhealthy behavior of the students in professional secondary schools related to the family structure |
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Article_Title: | Unhealthy behavior of the students in professional secondary schools related to the family structure |
Authors: | Victor Zepca1, Cristina Petrescu2, Nina Iziumov3 |
Affiliation: | Institutul de Neurologie şi Neurochirurgie1, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „V. Babeş”, Timişoara, România 2, Centrul Naţional de Sănătate Publică3, Chişinău, Republica Moldova |
Abstract: | This study aimed to determine the family composition, education of parents, at adult persons with which students of the vocational secondary school live in Republic of Moldova. The investigations result showed that most families of the students are large – having in their composition 4 and more than four persons, in incomplete families the most frequent students live with the mother, when one or both parents are abroad, students under the tutelage of the mother, grandparents and other relatives, not relatives or supervisors, the educational level of the students, parents is different: mothers have higher education compared to fathers. Unhealthy behaviour is usually more common among the students from incomplete families than those from complete families, particularly among girls. |
Keywords: | students, vocational school, risk behaviour |
References: | 1. Vlaicu Brigitha, Fira-Mlădinescu Corneluţa, Putnoky Salomeia, Petrescu Cristina et al. Anturajul adolescenţilor şi unele comportamente cu risc. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Secţia Ştinţe Medicale. Chişinău, 2008, nr. 3 (17), p.73-78 2. Гринина О.В., Кича Д.И., Важиоба Т.В., Хило Е.В. Здоровье – основной раздел программы медико-социальной характеристики семьи // Здравоохранение Российской Федерации, 1997, № 2, с. 26-30. 3. The situation of children and family in the Republic of Moldova. Assessment and Analysis, 2000-2001. UNICEF, 2002, p. 23. 4. Камилова Р.Т. Влияние социально-гигиенических факторов условий жизни детей школьного возраста на уровень их физического развития // Гигиена и санитария, 2001, № 6, с. 52-55. 5. Палкин В.В. Факторы риска у допризывников и призывников // Гигиена и санитария, 2005, № 3, с. 43-46. 6. Mireştean Ileana Maria, Irimie Sorina, Pop Viorica. Factorii predictori în epidemiologia comportamentală la adolescenţi. În: Factorii de risc din mediul de viaţă în relaţie cu sănătatea populaţiei, Rezumatele lucrărilor. Iaşi, 1999. 7. Tratat de medicină a adolescentului. Sub redacţia Miu N., Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă. Cluj-Napoca, 1999. 8. Zepca V., Mireştean Ileana, Nedbaliuc B., Lavric A., Iziumov Nina, Tutunaru Mariana. Comportamentul cu risc pentru sănătate – consumul de tutun, alcool şi droguri la adolescenţi. În: Materialele Conferinţei ştiinţifice anuale – 2007. Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol. Chişinău, 2007, p. 57-59. |
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Article Title: | Unhealthy behavior of the students in professional secondary schools related to the family structure |
Authors: | Victor Zepca1, Cristina Petrescu2, Nina Iziumov3 |
Affiliation: | Institutul de Neurologie şi Neurochirurgie1, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „V. Babeş”, Timişoara, România 2, Centrul Naţional de Sănătate Publică3, Chişinău, Republica Moldova |
Abstract: | This study aimed to determine the family composition, education of parents, at adult persons with which students of the vocational secondary school live in Republic of Moldova. The investigations result showed that most families of the students are large – having in their composition 4 and more than four persons, in incomplete families the most frequent students live with the mother, when one or both parents are abroad, students under the tutelage of the mother, grandparents and other relatives, not relatives or supervisors, the educational level of the students, parents is different: mothers have higher education compared to fathers. Unhealthy behaviour is usually more common among the students from incomplete families than those from complete families, particularly among girls. |
Keywords: | students, vocational school, risk behaviour |
References: | 1. Vlaicu Brigitha, Fira-Mlădinescu Corneluţa, Putnoky Salomeia, Petrescu Cristina et al. Anturajul adolescenţilor şi unele comportamente cu risc. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Secţia Ştinţe Medicale. Chişinău, 2008, nr. 3 (17), p.73-78 2. Гринина О.В., Кича Д.И., Важиоба Т.В., Хило Е.В. Здоровье – основной раздел программы медико-социальной характеристики семьи // Здравоохранение Российской Федерации, 1997, № 2, с. 26-30. 3. The situation of children and family in the Republic of Moldova. Assessment and Analysis, 2000-2001. UNICEF, 2002, p. 23. 4. Камилова Р.Т. Влияние социально-гигиенических факторов условий жизни детей школьного возраста на уровень их физического развития // Гигиена и санитария, 2001, № 6, с. 52-55. 5. Палкин В.В. Факторы риска у допризывников и призывников // Гигиена и санитария, 2005, № 3, с. 43-46. 6. Mireştean Ileana Maria, Irimie Sorina, Pop Viorica. Factorii predictori în epidemiologia comportamentală la adolescenţi. În: Factorii de risc din mediul de viaţă în relaţie cu sănătatea populaţiei, Rezumatele lucrărilor. Iaşi, 1999. 7. Tratat de medicină a adolescentului. Sub redacţia Miu N., Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă. Cluj-Napoca, 1999. 8. Zepca V., Mireştean Ileana, Nedbaliuc B., Lavric A., Iziumov Nina, Tutunaru Mariana. Comportamentul cu risc pentru sănătate – consumul de tutun, alcool şi droguri la adolescenţi. În: Materialele Conferinţei ştiinţifice anuale – 2007. Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol. Chişinău, 2007, p. 57-59. |
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