Legislative gaps in occupational medicine II

Legislative gaps in occupational medicine II

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Article_Title: Legislative gaps in occupational medicine II
Authors: Stelian Morariu 1, Adina Morariu 2, Vlad Morariu 3
Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
2 SC “Medicina Muncii – Dr. Morariu” SRL, Arad, Romania
3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Romania
Abstract: The purpose is to inform the ability forums about the problems currently faced by occupational
health doctors and patients diagnosed with related diseases, patients that are hospitalised in departments / clinics of occupational health. After having studied these legislative regulations we have found these gaps and inconsistencies, which have a negative impact on occupational health activities. The need for legislative initiatives to amend and supplement the above mentioned normative acts, which provide a clear and coherent legislative framework for occupational health in medical activity, even more as the beneficiaries of these laws – patients diagnosed with occupational disease or work related disease, are mostly insured both by CAS and The Risk Fund
(paid by employer).
Keywords: legislative gaps, occupational disease, work related disease, legislative disagreement, legislative
initiative, departments of occupational diseases
References: Law Number 346/2002 amended and supplemented;
Law Number 418/2004;
Law Number 48/2007;
Law Number 258/2008;
The Common Order of MSP and MMSSF Number
Order MMSSF Number 1425/2006;
The Common Order of MMFPS and MS 213/363/2009.
Read_full_article: pdf/20-2010/20-s1-2010/SU20-s1-2010-Morariu.pdf
Correspondence: Morariu Stelian, „Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Occupational Health Department, Arad Municipal Hospital, no. 31 Henri Coanda St., E-mail: medicina@uvvg.ro

Read full article
Article Title: Legislative gaps in occupational medicine II
Authors: Stelian Morariu 1, Adina Morariu 2, Vlad Morariu 3
Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
2 SC “Medicina Muncii – Dr. Morariu” SRL, Arad, Romania
3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Romania
Abstract: The purpose is to inform the ability forums about the problems currently faced by occupational
health doctors and patients diagnosed with related diseases, patients that are hospitalised in departments / clinics of occupational health. After having studied these legislative regulations we have found these gaps and inconsistencies, which have a negative impact on occupational health activities. The need for legislative initiatives to amend and supplement the above mentioned normative acts, which provide a clear and coherent legislative framework for occupational health in medical activity, even more as the beneficiaries of these laws – patients diagnosed with occupational disease or work related disease, are mostly insured both by CAS and The Risk Fund
(paid by employer).
Keywords: legislative gaps, occupational disease, work related disease, legislative disagreement, legislative
initiative, departments of occupational diseases
References: Law Number 346/2002 amended and supplemented;
Law Number 418/2004;
Law Number 48/2007;
Law Number 258/2008;
The Common Order of MSP and MMSSF Number
Order MMSSF Number 1425/2006;
The Common Order of MMFPS and MS 213/363/2009.
*Correspondence: Morariu Stelian, „Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Occupational Health Department, Arad Municipal Hospital, no. 31 Henri Coanda St., E-mail: medicina@uvvg.ro