Influence of indoor air quality from the office rooms on work capacity

Influence of indoor air quality from the office rooms on work capacity

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Article_Title: Influence of indoor air quality from the office rooms on work capacity
Authors: Bunescu M. G.*, Toma I*., Marcu Iulia-Rahela
Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova
Abstract: Many factors can influence air quality in the workplace especially physical factors (temperature,
humidity, air current speed), chemical factors and biological factors. Psychological factors also play an important role in air quality. Were studied three jobs with different characteristics, office rooms. Variables taken into account: age, gender, perception of air quality, current symptoms, recorded using a questionnaire, and results of psychological tests. Symptoms present at the employees, were similar in the three locations, in particular irritation and nasal congestion, trouble concentrating. Kraepelin test was used to test the stability of attention and focused attention over time. He showed decreased number of correct answers at the end of working hours. This decrease was greater in workplaces with foul microclimate, with artificial lighting, and communication with the plant’s production area. The correlation between symptoms and psychological test shows the importance of proper environment to work, which becomes an important factor for solving tasks that require focused attention.
Keywords: Indoor air quality
References: Thermal Comfort for Office Work, Canadian
Centre for Occupational Health & Safety, 2007
2. Indoor air quality sampling methodologies,
1st edition K Hess-Kosa, Boca Raton, Lewis
Publishers 2001.
3. Indoor air pollution – an introduction for health
professionals- U.S. Environmental Protecion
4. Impact of indoor air pollution on health,
comfort and productivity of the occupants,
Jagjit Singh, Aerobiologia, nr 12, pg 121-127,
Read_full_article: pdf/20-2010/20-s1-2010/SU20-s1-2010-Bunescu.pdf
Correspondence: Bunescu Marius,, Craiova, Romania

Read full article
Article Title: Influence of indoor air quality from the office rooms on work capacity
Authors: Bunescu M. G.*, Toma I*., Marcu Iulia-Rahela
Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova
Abstract: Many factors can influence air quality in the workplace especially physical factors (temperature,
humidity, air current speed), chemical factors and biological factors. Psychological factors also play an important role in air quality. Were studied three jobs with different characteristics, office rooms. Variables taken into account: age, gender, perception of air quality, current symptoms, recorded using a questionnaire, and results of psychological tests. Symptoms present at the employees, were similar in the three locations, in particular irritation and nasal congestion, trouble concentrating. Kraepelin test was used to test the stability of attention and focused attention over time. He showed decreased number of correct answers at the end of working hours. This decrease was greater in workplaces with foul microclimate, with artificial lighting, and communication with the plant’s production area. The correlation between symptoms and psychological test shows the importance of proper environment to work, which becomes an important factor for solving tasks that require focused attention.
Keywords: Indoor air quality
References: Thermal Comfort for Office Work, Canadian
Centre for Occupational Health & Safety, 2007
2. Indoor air quality sampling methodologies,
1st edition K Hess-Kosa, Boca Raton, Lewis
Publishers 2001.
3. Indoor air pollution – an introduction for health
professionals- U.S. Environmental Protecion
4. Impact of indoor air pollution on health,
comfort and productivity of the occupants,
Jagjit Singh, Aerobiologia, nr 12, pg 121-127,
*Correspondence: Bunescu Marius,, Craiova, Romania