Possibility of reconstruction of a heavy metal polluted soil

Possibility of reconstruction of a heavy metal polluted soil

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Article_Title: Possibility of reconstruction of a heavy metal polluted soil
Authors: Júlia Budai, Károly Antal*, Lajos Blaskó
Affiliation: Karcag Research Institute, RISF, CAAES, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Abstract: Ecological reconstruction of polluted sites are important scope of duties to ecological and agricultural researchers. A typical polluted territory is situated in the area of the Gyöngyösoroszi. Application of sheep manure compost and lime where tested as a possible way for remediation of the polluted habitat. These amendment materials are well-known in agricultural practice. Our goal was to obtain detailed information about the feature of these materials which increase the survival and help the growth of plants. We carried out pot experiments and chemical measurements too. In pot experiments we studied the effects of different doses of compost and lime with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) as marker plant. In the chemical experiments we analyzed the polluted soil and we carried out heavy metal leaching laboratory tests on the polluted soil. We measured the pH changing effect of these substances too. We also determined the heavy metal content of Italian ryegrass which was grown in amended contaminated soil.
Keywords: compost, lime, flotation sludge, pot experiment, heavy metal uptake, salt leaching, immobilization
References: Antal, K., Budai, J., Szabó, How to Protect the Plants from Heavy Metal Stress in Contaminated Mine Sites with Sheep Manure Compost? Cereal Research Comm., 37, 549-552, 2009.
Delgado Arroyo, M. M., Porcel Cots, M. Á., Miralles De Imperal Hornedo, R., Beltrán Rodríguez, E., Beringola Beringola, L., Martín Sanchez, J. V., Sewage Sludge Compost Fertilizer Effect on Maize Yeld and Soil Heavy Metal Concentration, Rev. Int. Contam. Ambient, 18, 147-150, 2002.
Dömsödi J., Talajjavítás és komposztálás a házikertben. Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest, 56, 91- 92, 105, 1989.
Draskovits, P., Magyar, B., Jánosi, M., Report of OMFB-02453/2000 project. 2002.
Esakku, S., Kurian Joseph, O. P., Nagerendran, R., Heavy Metal Fractionation and Leachability Studies on Fresh and Partially Decomposed Municipal Solid Waste. 12, 127-132, 2008.
Lide D. L. (ed.), Handbook of chemistry and physics. 84th edition, CRC Press, 1313-1319, 2003-2004.
Lombi, E., Zhao, F-J., Zhang, G., Sun, B., Fitz, W., Zhang, H., P. McGrath S., In situ fixation of metals in soils using bauxite residue: chemical assessment. Environmental Pollution, 118, 435-443, 2002.
Máthé-Gáspár, G.-Anton, A., Phytoremediation Study: Factors Influencing Heavy Metal Uptake of Plants. Proceedings of the 8th Humgarian Congress on Plant Physiology and the 6th Hungarian Conference on Photosyntesis, Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 49, 69-70, 2005.
Murányi A., Ködöböcz L., Heavy Metal Uptake by Plants in Different Phytoremediation Treatments. Cereal Research Communication, 36, 387-390, 2008.
Papp M., Juhász L., Botanikai állapotfelméres szennyezett talajfelszíneken Gyöngyösoroszi térségében a volt Országos Érc- és Ásványbányák Gyöngyösoroszi ércelőkészítőjének területén. Debrecen, 2008.
Topcuoglu, B., Effects of Rereated Applications of Sewage Sludge and MSW Compost on the Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse. Soil Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 14, 217-222, 2004.
Topcouglu, B.-Önal, M. K., Heavy metal Accumulation in the Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Grown in MSW compost applied soil Utilization of diversity in land use systems. Sustainable and organic approaches to meet human needs Tropentag 2007, October 9 – 11, Witzenhausen, Germany, 2007.
Tury R., Szakál P., Szegedi L., A tavaszi árpa (Hordeum vulgare L.) növekedése és nehézfém-akkumulációja a gyöngyösoroszi bányameddőn különböző kezelések hatására. Talajvédelem, Talajtani vándorgyűlés, 2008. május 29-29. Nyíregyháza, Talajvédelmi Alapítvány, Bessenyei György Könyvkiadó, Nyíregyháza, 2008.
Zubillaga, M.S., Bressan, E.L., Raul, S., Heavy Metal Mobility in Polluted Soils: Effect of Different Treatment. American Journal of Environmental Science, 341-348, 2008.
Walker, D.J., Clemente, R., Bernal, M.P., Contrasting effects of manure and compost on soil pH, heavy metal availability and growth of Chenopodium album L. in a soil contaminated by pyritic mine waste. Chemosphere, 52, 215-224, 2004.
Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-1-2011/SU21-1-2011Budai.pdf
Correspondence: Károly Antal, University of Debrecen, RISF, CAAES, Karcag Research Institute, 166. Kisújszállási út, Karcag, Hungary, Tel. +36-(59)-500360, Fax. +36-(59)-500151, email: antal@dateki.hu

Read full article
Article Title: Possibility of reconstruction of a heavy metal polluted soil
Authors: Júlia Budai, Károly Antal*, Lajos Blaskó
Affiliation: Karcag Research Institute, RISF, CAAES, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Abstract: Ecological reconstruction of polluted sites are important scope of duties to ecological and agricultural researchers. A typical polluted territory is situated in the area of the Gyöngyösoroszi. Application of sheep manure compost and lime where tested as a possible way for remediation of the polluted habitat. These amendment materials are well-known in agricultural practice. Our goal was to obtain detailed information about the feature of these materials which increase the survival and help the growth of plants. We carried out pot experiments and chemical measurements too. In pot experiments we studied the effects of different doses of compost and lime with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) as marker plant. In the chemical experiments we analyzed the polluted soil and we carried out heavy metal leaching laboratory tests on the polluted soil. We measured the pH changing effect of these substances too. We also determined the heavy metal content of Italian ryegrass which was grown in amended contaminated soil.
Keywords: compost, lime, flotation sludge, pot experiment, heavy metal uptake, salt leaching, immobilization
References: Antal, K., Budai, J., Szabó, How to Protect the Plants from Heavy Metal Stress in Contaminated Mine Sites with Sheep Manure Compost? Cereal Research Comm., 37, 549-552, 2009.
Delgado Arroyo, M. M., Porcel Cots, M. Á., Miralles De Imperal Hornedo, R., Beltrán Rodríguez, E., Beringola Beringola, L., Martín Sanchez, J. V., Sewage Sludge Compost Fertilizer Effect on Maize Yeld and Soil Heavy Metal Concentration, Rev. Int. Contam. Ambient, 18, 147-150, 2002.
Dömsödi J., Talajjavítás és komposztálás a házikertben. Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest, 56, 91- 92, 105, 1989.
Draskovits, P., Magyar, B., Jánosi, M., Report of OMFB-02453/2000 project. 2002.
Esakku, S., Kurian Joseph, O. P., Nagerendran, R., Heavy Metal Fractionation and Leachability Studies on Fresh and Partially Decomposed Municipal Solid Waste. 12, 127-132, 2008.
Lide D. L. (ed.), Handbook of chemistry and physics. 84th edition, CRC Press, 1313-1319, 2003-2004.
Lombi, E., Zhao, F-J., Zhang, G., Sun, B., Fitz, W., Zhang, H., P. McGrath S., In situ fixation of metals in soils using bauxite residue: chemical assessment. Environmental Pollution, 118, 435-443, 2002.
Máthé-Gáspár, G.-Anton, A., Phytoremediation Study: Factors Influencing Heavy Metal Uptake of Plants. Proceedings of the 8th Humgarian Congress on Plant Physiology and the 6th Hungarian Conference on Photosyntesis, Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 49, 69-70, 2005.
Murányi A., Ködöböcz L., Heavy Metal Uptake by Plants in Different Phytoremediation Treatments. Cereal Research Communication, 36, 387-390, 2008.
Papp M., Juhász L., Botanikai állapotfelméres szennyezett talajfelszíneken Gyöngyösoroszi térségében a volt Országos Érc- és Ásványbányák Gyöngyösoroszi ércelőkészítőjének területén. Debrecen, 2008.
Topcuoglu, B., Effects of Rereated Applications of Sewage Sludge and MSW Compost on the Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse. Soil Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 14, 217-222, 2004.
Topcouglu, B.-Önal, M. K., Heavy metal Accumulation in the Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Grown in MSW compost applied soil Utilization of diversity in land use systems. Sustainable and organic approaches to meet human needs Tropentag 2007, October 9 – 11, Witzenhausen, Germany, 2007.
Tury R., Szakál P., Szegedi L., A tavaszi árpa (Hordeum vulgare L.) növekedése és nehézfém-akkumulációja a gyöngyösoroszi bányameddőn különböző kezelések hatására. Talajvédelem, Talajtani vándorgyűlés, 2008. május 29-29. Nyíregyháza, Talajvédelmi Alapítvány, Bessenyei György Könyvkiadó, Nyíregyháza, 2008.
Zubillaga, M.S., Bressan, E.L., Raul, S., Heavy Metal Mobility in Polluted Soils: Effect of Different Treatment. American Journal of Environmental Science, 341-348, 2008.
Walker, D.J., Clemente, R., Bernal, M.P., Contrasting effects of manure and compost on soil pH, heavy metal availability and growth of Chenopodium album L. in a soil contaminated by pyritic mine waste. Chemosphere, 52, 215-224, 2004.
*Correspondence: Károly Antal, University of Debrecen, RISF, CAAES, Karcag Research Institute, 166. Kisújszállási út, Karcag, Hungary, Tel. +36-(59)-500360, Fax. +36-(59)-500151, email: antal@dateki.hu