Hydrochemical study of the source region of Ier (Er) stream in Satu Mare (Szatmar) County, Romania
December 31, 2010
Hydrochemical study of the source region of Ier (Er) stream in Satu Mare (Szatmar) County, Romania
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Title: | Hydrochemical study of the source region of Ier (Er) stream in Satu Mare (Szatmar) County, Romania |
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Article_Title: | Hydrochemical study of the source region of Ier (Er) stream in Satu Mare (Szatmar) County, Romania |
Authors: | Jozsef Kalmar*, Mihaly Braun, Istvan Fabian |
Affiliation: | University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry |
Abstract: | A one-time environmental analytical study was carried out concerning small watercourses in the source region of Ier (Ér) Stream, a tributary to Barcău (Berettyó) River, in order to explore the extent of contamination and to identify main pollution sources. More than 70% of this land belonged to the marsh of Ier (Ér) before the 1960s when water control of the area resulted in a vast network of well-defined small watercourses. Water and bottom sediment samples were collected from 22 sampling sites on streams. The samples of both types were analyzed in accordance with the current Hungarian Standards. The chemical data were evaluated by principal component analysis and Ward’s hierarchical cluster analysis and found to be in good correlation with the geological and hydrological characteristics of the study area. Evidence for anthropogenic contamination was found in 3 water samples out of the 22 collected. |
Keywords: | Ier (Ér) Stream, environmental status, chemical analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis |
References: | Adam S, Pawert M, Lehmann R, Roth B, Muller E, Triebskorn R, Physicochemical and morphological characterization of two small polluted streams in southwest Germany. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery, 8 (3-4), 179-194, 2001. Al-Khashman OA, Assessment of the spring water quality in the Shoubak area, Jordan. Environmentalist, 28 (3), 203-215, 2008. Aruga R, Negro G, Ostacoli G, Multivariate data analysis applied to the investigation of river pollution. Fresenius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 346 (10-11), 968-975, 1993. Benedek Z, Geomorfológiai tanulmányok az Érmelléken és Care-Nagykároly vidékén (Geomorphological studies in Érmellék and in the region of Carei). Földrajzi Közlemények, 2, 1960. (Paper in Hungarian.) Benedek Z, Érmellék. Helios, Orosháza, 1996. (Book in Hungarian.) Dinelli E, Cortecci G, Lucchini F, Zantedeschi E, Sources of major and trace elements in the stream sediments of the Arno river catchment (northern Tuscany, Italy). Geochemical Journal, 39 (6), 531-545, 2005. Enguix Gonzalez A, Ternero Rodriguez M, Jimenez Sanchez JC, Fernandez Espinosa AJ, Barragan De La Rosa FJ, Assessment of metals in sediments in a tributary of Guadalquivir River (Spain). Heavy metal partitioning and relation between the water and sediment system. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 121 (1-4), 11-29, 2000. Forstner U, Wittmann GTW, Metal pollution in the aquatic environment. Springer, Berlin, 1983. Jordao CP, Ribeiro PRS, Matos AT, Bastos RKX, Fernandes RBA, Fontes RLF, Environmental assessment of water-courses of the Turvo Limpo River basin at the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 127 (1-3), 315-326, 2007. Lambrakis N, Antonakos A, Panagopoulos G, The use of multicomponent statistical analysis in hydrogeological environmental research. Water Research, 38 (7), 1862-1872, 2004. Massart DL, Kaufman L, The Interpretation of analytical chemical data by the use of cluster analysis. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983. Nguyen HL, Braun M, Szaloki I, Baeyens W, Van Grieken R, Leermakers M, Tracing the metal pollution history of the tisza river through the analysis of a sediment depth profile. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 200 (1-4), 119-132, 2009. Order No. 10/2000 (VI/2), On the limit values for the protection of quality of ground water resources and soils. Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water, 2000. Order No. 201/2001 (X/25), On the limit values and process of monitoring of drinking water. Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water, 2001. Petrişor AI, GIS assessment of landform diversity covered by natural protected areas in Romania. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 19 (2), 359-363, 2009. Salomons W, Forstner U, Metals in the hydrocycle. Springer, Berlin, 1984. Simeonov V, Stratis JA, Samara C, Zachariadis G, Voutsa D, Anthemidis A, Sofoniou M, Kouimtzis T, Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research, 37 (17), 4119-4124, 2003. Singh KP, Malik A, Sinha S, Water quality assessment and apportionment of pollution sources of Gomti river (India) using multivariate statistical techniques – A case study. Analytica Chimica Acta, 538 (1-2), 355-374, 2005. Skoulikidis NT, Amaxidis Y, Bertahas I, Laschou S, Gritzalis K, Analysis of factors driving stream water composition and synthesis of management tools-A case study on small/medium Greek catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 362 (1-3), 205-241, 2006. Somogyi A, Braun M, Posta J, Comparison between X-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry in the analysis of sediment samples. Spectrochimica Acta – Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, 52 (13), 2011-2017, 1997. Temnerud J, Bishop K, Spatial variation of streamwater chemistry in two Swedish boreal catchments: Implications for environmental assessment. Environmental Science and Technology, 39 (6), 1463-1469, 2005. Zhou J, Ma D, Pan J, Nie W, Wu K, Application of multivariate statistical approach to identify heavy metal sources in sediment and waters: A case study in Yangzhong, China. Environmental Geology, 54 (2), 373-380, 2008. |
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Correspondence: | József Kalmár, Debrecen 10, POB 21, Hungary H-4010. Email: jkalmar@dragon.unideb.hu |
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Article Title: | Hydrochemical study of the source region of Ier (Er) stream in Satu Mare (Szatmar) County, Romania |
Authors: | Jozsef Kalmar*, Mihaly Braun, Istvan Fabian |
Affiliation: | University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry |
Abstract: | A one-time environmental analytical study was carried out concerning small watercourses in the source region of Ier (Ér) Stream, a tributary to Barcău (Berettyó) River, in order to explore the extent of contamination and to identify main pollution sources. More than 70% of this land belonged to the marsh of Ier (Ér) before the 1960s when water control of the area resulted in a vast network of well-defined small watercourses. Water and bottom sediment samples were collected from 22 sampling sites on streams. The samples of both types were analyzed in accordance with the current Hungarian Standards. The chemical data were evaluated by principal component analysis and Ward’s hierarchical cluster analysis and found to be in good correlation with the geological and hydrological characteristics of the study area. Evidence for anthropogenic contamination was found in 3 water samples out of the 22 collected. |
Keywords: | Ier (Ér) Stream, environmental status, chemical analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis |
References: | Adam S, Pawert M, Lehmann R, Roth B, Muller E, Triebskorn R, Physicochemical and morphological characterization of two small polluted streams in southwest Germany. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery, 8 (3-4), 179-194, 2001. Al-Khashman OA, Assessment of the spring water quality in the Shoubak area, Jordan. Environmentalist, 28 (3), 203-215, 2008. Aruga R, Negro G, Ostacoli G, Multivariate data analysis applied to the investigation of river pollution. Fresenius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 346 (10-11), 968-975, 1993. Benedek Z, Geomorfológiai tanulmányok az Érmelléken és Care-Nagykároly vidékén (Geomorphological studies in Érmellék and in the region of Carei). Földrajzi Közlemények, 2, 1960. (Paper in Hungarian.) Benedek Z, Érmellék. Helios, Orosháza, 1996. (Book in Hungarian.) Dinelli E, Cortecci G, Lucchini F, Zantedeschi E, Sources of major and trace elements in the stream sediments of the Arno river catchment (northern Tuscany, Italy). Geochemical Journal, 39 (6), 531-545, 2005. Enguix Gonzalez A, Ternero Rodriguez M, Jimenez Sanchez JC, Fernandez Espinosa AJ, Barragan De La Rosa FJ, Assessment of metals in sediments in a tributary of Guadalquivir River (Spain). Heavy metal partitioning and relation between the water and sediment system. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 121 (1-4), 11-29, 2000. Forstner U, Wittmann GTW, Metal pollution in the aquatic environment. Springer, Berlin, 1983. Jordao CP, Ribeiro PRS, Matos AT, Bastos RKX, Fernandes RBA, Fontes RLF, Environmental assessment of water-courses of the Turvo Limpo River basin at the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 127 (1-3), 315-326, 2007. Lambrakis N, Antonakos A, Panagopoulos G, The use of multicomponent statistical analysis in hydrogeological environmental research. Water Research, 38 (7), 1862-1872, 2004. Massart DL, Kaufman L, The Interpretation of analytical chemical data by the use of cluster analysis. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983. Nguyen HL, Braun M, Szaloki I, Baeyens W, Van Grieken R, Leermakers M, Tracing the metal pollution history of the tisza river through the analysis of a sediment depth profile. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 200 (1-4), 119-132, 2009. Order No. 10/2000 (VI/2), On the limit values for the protection of quality of ground water resources and soils. Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water, 2000. Order No. 201/2001 (X/25), On the limit values and process of monitoring of drinking water. Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water, 2001. Petrişor AI, GIS assessment of landform diversity covered by natural protected areas in Romania. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 19 (2), 359-363, 2009. Salomons W, Forstner U, Metals in the hydrocycle. Springer, Berlin, 1984. Simeonov V, Stratis JA, Samara C, Zachariadis G, Voutsa D, Anthemidis A, Sofoniou M, Kouimtzis T, Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research, 37 (17), 4119-4124, 2003. Singh KP, Malik A, Sinha S, Water quality assessment and apportionment of pollution sources of Gomti river (India) using multivariate statistical techniques – A case study. Analytica Chimica Acta, 538 (1-2), 355-374, 2005. Skoulikidis NT, Amaxidis Y, Bertahas I, Laschou S, Gritzalis K, Analysis of factors driving stream water composition and synthesis of management tools-A case study on small/medium Greek catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 362 (1-3), 205-241, 2006. Somogyi A, Braun M, Posta J, Comparison between X-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry in the analysis of sediment samples. Spectrochimica Acta – Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, 52 (13), 2011-2017, 1997. Temnerud J, Bishop K, Spatial variation of streamwater chemistry in two Swedish boreal catchments: Implications for environmental assessment. Environmental Science and Technology, 39 (6), 1463-1469, 2005. Zhou J, Ma D, Pan J, Nie W, Wu K, Application of multivariate statistical approach to identify heavy metal sources in sediment and waters: A case study in Yangzhong, China. Environmental Geology, 54 (2), 373-380, 2008. |
*Correspondence: | József Kalmár, Debrecen 10, POB 21, Hungary H-4010. Email: jkalmar@dragon.unideb.hu |