Examination of the groundwater pollution at lowland settlements
December 31, 2010
Examination of the groundwater pollution at lowland settlements
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Title: | Examination of the groundwater pollution at lowland settlements |
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Article_Title: | Examination of the groundwater pollution at lowland settlements |
Authors: | Gyorgy Szabo*, Aniko Angyal, Anett Csikos, Eva Bessenyei, Eszter Toth, Peter Kiss, Peter Csorba, Szilard Szabo |
Affiliation: | University of Debrecen, Department of Landscape Protection and Environmental Geography |
Abstract: | In our study we examined the groundwater wells at 6 lowland settlements with different circumstances. The differences among the settlements were partly due to the different stages of development of the sewage system. There was difference among the settlements in the case of the level of the groundwater and the water permeability of the soils. We examined how differences above mentioned had shown themself regarding the water quality of the groundwater wells. We studied the water quality on the base of the following parameters: pH, ammonium- nitrite- and nitrate concentration. We detected that the condition of the water of the groundwater wells were extremely unfavourable in every studied settlement. At the extent of the pollution there were certainly differences within the settlement and among the settlements also. We determined that most of the examined wells could not be used for watering animals, because it could cause serious animal health protection risk. |
Keywords: | water quality analysis, groundwater pollution, groundwater wells, hygienic risk |
References: | Agotici V., Ciucanu I., Agotici P.S., Dărăban A., Dehelean G. Micro-solid-phase extraction and GC analysis of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons from water Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, Vol. 19, issue 2, 2009, pp. 327-331. Barótfi I, Environmental technology – Mezőgazda Kiadó, 981 p. 2000. (in Hungarian) Bíró T, Thyll Sz, Tamás J, Risk assassment of nitrate pollution in lower watershed of the Berettyó River. In: Filep Gy. (ed.): Soil water environment relationships. Wageningen Debrecen, 239-247, 1998. Bolgár BE, Pál Z, Spatial pattern of groundwater pollution on a small Transylvanian village example, Environment, research, protection and management international conference, UBB, Facultatea de Stiinta Mediului, Cluj Napoca, 140-150, 2005. Colten CE, Groundwater contamination Reconstructing historical knowledge for the courts Applied Geography, Vol. 18, No. 3, 259-273, 1998. Decree no. 41/1997. (V. 28.) FM on Veterinary regulation, 1997. (in Hungarian) Farsang A, Fejes I, Contamination and human health risk of groundwater in Szeged Acta Geographica Ac Geologica et Meteorologica Debrecina 3:(1) 11-27, 2009. Gavris G., Cărăban A., Tomulescu I., Merca V., Radoviciu Mihaela E. The neutralisation of waste waters containing strong inorganic toxicants Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, vol. 18, 2008, pp. 345-348. Government Decree No. 201/2001. (X.25.) on the quality standards and monitoring of drinking waters, 2001 Government Joint Decree No. 6/2009. (IV. 14.) KvVM-EüM-FVM on limit values established for the protection of groundwater and the geological medium, 2009. Hansen B, Kristensen ES, Grant R, Høgh-Jensen H, Simmelsgaard SE, Olesen JE, Nitrogen leaching from conventional versus organic farming systems a systems modelling approach European Journal of Agronomy 13, 65-82, 2000. Howden NJK, Bowes MJ, Clark ADJ, Humphries N, Neal C, Water quality, nutrients and the European union’s Water Framework Directive in a lowland agricultural region: Suffolk, south-east England Science of the Total Environment 407, 2966-2979, 2009. Hungarian Standard no. MSZ 12749 1993, The quality of surface water, qualitative characteristics and qualification, 1993 (in Hungarian) Integrated urban development strategy in Vásárosnamény, Vásárosnamény Város Önkormányzata, 115 p. 2008. (in Hungarian) Irabor OOO, Olobaniyi SB, Oduyemi K, Akunna J. Surface and groundwater water quality assessment using multivariate analytical methods: A case study of the Western Niger Delta, Nigeria Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33, 666-673, 2008. Kerényi A, General environmental protection – Global issues, potential solutions, MOZAIK Kiadó, 383 p., 1995. (in Hungarian) Krapac IG, Dey WS, Roy WR, Smyth CA, Storment E, Sargent SL, Steele JD, Impacts of swine manure pits on groundwater quality Environmental Pollution 120, 475-492, 2002. Literáthy P, Unitary water examination methods I. Chemistry methods, vol. 1, Vízgazdálkodási Tudományos Kutatóintézet IV. Vízminőségi és Víztechnológiai Főosztálya, 233p., 1973. (in Hungarian) Marosi S, Somogyi S, Magyarország kistájainak katasztere I-II., Budapest, MTA FKI, 1500 p., 1990. Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy (MTTE), http://www.khem.gov.hu, 2009. (in Hungarian) Oprean L., Poplăcean M., Oancea S., Oprean C., Lengyel E. Monitoring the microbiological and physico-chemical pollution degree of the river Visa Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, Vol. 19, issue1, 2009, pp. 203-207. Pál Z, Aczél M, Pál K, Nitrate contamination of the groundwater in rural settlements – example of Imecsfalva (in Hungarian). Collegium Geographicum 6. sz. Kolozsvár, 43-51, 2009. (in Hungarian with english abstract) Pál Z, Bálint K, Settlement groundwater contamination patterns by the examples of forestland villages (in Hungarian). Acta Siculica. Székely Nemzeti Múzeum Évkönyve, 49-56, 2007. (in Hungarian with english abstract) Pritchard M, Mkandawire T, O’Neill JG, Assessment of groundwater quality in shallow wells within the southern districts of Malawi Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33, 812-823, 2008. Pinczés Z, Kerényi A, Martonné Erdős K, Soil degradation in Bodrogkeresztúr. Földrajzi Közlemények (26) 210-236, 1978. (in Hungarian) Rakonczai J, Global environmental issues Universitas Szeged Kiadó, 204 p., 2008. (in Hungarian) Seiler KP, Lindner W, Near-surface and deep groundwaters Journal of Hydrology 165, 33-44, 1995. Szabó Gy, Szabó Sz, Szabó A, Szemán B, Spatial and time variations of the groundwater quality of two different landscapes In: Boltižiar, M. (ed.): Implementation of Landscape Ecology in New and Changing Conditions, ILE Slovak Academy of Sciences, 421-427, 2007. Szabó Sz, Methodes of environmental investigations – monitoring – coursebook, Debrecen, 144 p. 2008. (in Hungarian) Szalai Z, Jakab G, Madarász B, Estimating the vertical distribution of groundwater Cd and Cu contents in alluvial sediments (River Danube). Saturated and Unsaturated Zone; Integration of process knowledge into effective models. (Eds. Per Aagard et al.): La Gordialica Pavese, Rome, 303-312, 2004. Szalai Z, Spatial and temporal pattern of soil pH and Eh and their impact on solute iron content in a wetland (Transdanubia, Hungary) AGD Landscape and Environment 2 (1). 34-45, 2008. von der Heyden CJ, New MG, Groundwater pollution on the Zambian Copperbelt: deciphering the source and the risk Science of the Total Environment 327, 17-30, 2004. Zhang WL, Tian ZX, Zhang N, Li XQ, Nitrate pollution of groundwater in northern China Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 59. 223-231, 1996. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/20-2010/20-4-2010/SU20-4-10SzaboG.pdf |
Correspondence: | György Szabó, University of Debrecen, Department of Landscape Protection and Environmental Geography, 4010 Debrecen, POB. 9. Tel. +36-(52)-512-900/22128, Fax. +36-(52)-512-945, email: gyszabo555@gmail.com |
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Article Title: | Examination of the groundwater pollution at lowland settlements |
Authors: | Gyorgy Szabo*, Aniko Angyal, Anett Csikos, Eva Bessenyei, Eszter Toth, Peter Kiss, Peter Csorba, Szilard Szabo |
Affiliation: | University of Debrecen, Department of Landscape Protection and Environmental Geography |
Abstract: | In our study we examined the groundwater wells at 6 lowland settlements with different circumstances. The differences among the settlements were partly due to the different stages of development of the sewage system. There was difference among the settlements in the case of the level of the groundwater and the water permeability of the soils. We examined how differences above mentioned had shown themself regarding the water quality of the groundwater wells. We studied the water quality on the base of the following parameters: pH, ammonium- nitrite- and nitrate concentration. We detected that the condition of the water of the groundwater wells were extremely unfavourable in every studied settlement. At the extent of the pollution there were certainly differences within the settlement and among the settlements also. We determined that most of the examined wells could not be used for watering animals, because it could cause serious animal health protection risk. |
Keywords: | water quality analysis, groundwater pollution, groundwater wells, hygienic risk |
References: | Agotici V., Ciucanu I., Agotici P.S., Dărăban A., Dehelean G. Micro-solid-phase extraction and GC analysis of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons from water Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, Vol. 19, issue 2, 2009, pp. 327-331. Barótfi I, Environmental technology – Mezőgazda Kiadó, 981 p. 2000. (in Hungarian) Bíró T, Thyll Sz, Tamás J, Risk assassment of nitrate pollution in lower watershed of the Berettyó River. In: Filep Gy. (ed.): Soil water environment relationships. Wageningen Debrecen, 239-247, 1998. Bolgár BE, Pál Z, Spatial pattern of groundwater pollution on a small Transylvanian village example, Environment, research, protection and management international conference, UBB, Facultatea de Stiinta Mediului, Cluj Napoca, 140-150, 2005. Colten CE, Groundwater contamination Reconstructing historical knowledge for the courts Applied Geography, Vol. 18, No. 3, 259-273, 1998. Decree no. 41/1997. (V. 28.) FM on Veterinary regulation, 1997. (in Hungarian) Farsang A, Fejes I, Contamination and human health risk of groundwater in Szeged Acta Geographica Ac Geologica et Meteorologica Debrecina 3:(1) 11-27, 2009. Gavris G., Cărăban A., Tomulescu I., Merca V., Radoviciu Mihaela E. The neutralisation of waste waters containing strong inorganic toxicants Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, vol. 18, 2008, pp. 345-348. Government Decree No. 201/2001. (X.25.) on the quality standards and monitoring of drinking waters, 2001 Government Joint Decree No. 6/2009. (IV. 14.) KvVM-EüM-FVM on limit values established for the protection of groundwater and the geological medium, 2009. Hansen B, Kristensen ES, Grant R, Høgh-Jensen H, Simmelsgaard SE, Olesen JE, Nitrogen leaching from conventional versus organic farming systems a systems modelling approach European Journal of Agronomy 13, 65-82, 2000. Howden NJK, Bowes MJ, Clark ADJ, Humphries N, Neal C, Water quality, nutrients and the European union’s Water Framework Directive in a lowland agricultural region: Suffolk, south-east England Science of the Total Environment 407, 2966-2979, 2009. Hungarian Standard no. MSZ 12749 1993, The quality of surface water, qualitative characteristics and qualification, 1993 (in Hungarian) Integrated urban development strategy in Vásárosnamény, Vásárosnamény Város Önkormányzata, 115 p. 2008. (in Hungarian) Irabor OOO, Olobaniyi SB, Oduyemi K, Akunna J. Surface and groundwater water quality assessment using multivariate analytical methods: A case study of the Western Niger Delta, Nigeria Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33, 666-673, 2008. Kerényi A, General environmental protection – Global issues, potential solutions, MOZAIK Kiadó, 383 p., 1995. (in Hungarian) Krapac IG, Dey WS, Roy WR, Smyth CA, Storment E, Sargent SL, Steele JD, Impacts of swine manure pits on groundwater quality Environmental Pollution 120, 475-492, 2002. Literáthy P, Unitary water examination methods I. Chemistry methods, vol. 1, Vízgazdálkodási Tudományos Kutatóintézet IV. Vízminőségi és Víztechnológiai Főosztálya, 233p., 1973. (in Hungarian) Marosi S, Somogyi S, Magyarország kistájainak katasztere I-II., Budapest, MTA FKI, 1500 p., 1990. Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy (MTTE), http://www.khem.gov.hu, 2009. (in Hungarian) Oprean L., Poplăcean M., Oancea S., Oprean C., Lengyel E. Monitoring the microbiological and physico-chemical pollution degree of the river Visa Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, Vol. 19, issue1, 2009, pp. 203-207. Pál Z, Aczél M, Pál K, Nitrate contamination of the groundwater in rural settlements – example of Imecsfalva (in Hungarian). Collegium Geographicum 6. sz. Kolozsvár, 43-51, 2009. (in Hungarian with english abstract) Pál Z, Bálint K, Settlement groundwater contamination patterns by the examples of forestland villages (in Hungarian). Acta Siculica. Székely Nemzeti Múzeum Évkönyve, 49-56, 2007. (in Hungarian with english abstract) Pritchard M, Mkandawire T, O’Neill JG, Assessment of groundwater quality in shallow wells within the southern districts of Malawi Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33, 812-823, 2008. Pinczés Z, Kerényi A, Martonné Erdős K, Soil degradation in Bodrogkeresztúr. Földrajzi Közlemények (26) 210-236, 1978. (in Hungarian) Rakonczai J, Global environmental issues Universitas Szeged Kiadó, 204 p., 2008. (in Hungarian) Seiler KP, Lindner W, Near-surface and deep groundwaters Journal of Hydrology 165, 33-44, 1995. Szabó Gy, Szabó Sz, Szabó A, Szemán B, Spatial and time variations of the groundwater quality of two different landscapes In: Boltižiar, M. (ed.): Implementation of Landscape Ecology in New and Changing Conditions, ILE Slovak Academy of Sciences, 421-427, 2007. Szabó Sz, Methodes of environmental investigations – monitoring – coursebook, Debrecen, 144 p. 2008. (in Hungarian) Szalai Z, Jakab G, Madarász B, Estimating the vertical distribution of groundwater Cd and Cu contents in alluvial sediments (River Danube). Saturated and Unsaturated Zone; Integration of process knowledge into effective models. (Eds. Per Aagard et al.): La Gordialica Pavese, Rome, 303-312, 2004. Szalai Z, Spatial and temporal pattern of soil pH and Eh and their impact on solute iron content in a wetland (Transdanubia, Hungary) AGD Landscape and Environment 2 (1). 34-45, 2008. von der Heyden CJ, New MG, Groundwater pollution on the Zambian Copperbelt: deciphering the source and the risk Science of the Total Environment 327, 17-30, 2004. Zhang WL, Tian ZX, Zhang N, Li XQ, Nitrate pollution of groundwater in northern China Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 59. 223-231, 1996. |
*Correspondence: | György Szabó, University of Debrecen, Department of Landscape Protection and Environmental Geography, 4010 Debrecen, POB. 9. Tel. +36-(52)-512-900/22128, Fax. +36-(52)-512-945, email: gyszabo555@gmail.com |