Examination of sedimentary deposition in the active floodplains of Bereg-plain
December 31, 2010
Examination of sedimentary deposition in the active floodplains of Bereg-plain
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Title: | Examination of sedimentary deposition in the active floodplains of Bereg-plain |
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Article_Title: | Examination of sedimentary deposition in the active floodplains of Bereg-plain |
Authors: | Robert Vass, Gergely Szabo, Jozsef Szabo |
Affiliation: | University of Debrecen, Faculty of Technology and Sciences, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics |
Abstract: | In the last decade more and more science deals with the problems of the floodplain sedimentation and the higher peaks of the flood water-level, with the same discharge drew the attention to these issues. This process can be explained by the diminution of the cross-section. Since the width of the active floodplain is stabile, the diminution is the consequence of the alluviation (the rise of the bottom level). The chosen sample areas – three floodplain dilatations (the water slows down here so the sedimentation is more considerable) – are situated in the right bank of the River Tisza between Tarpa and Jánd. We tried to prove the existence of the sedimentation with Digital Elevation Model (DEM) made from 1:10000 maps, comparing the mean altitude of the active floodplains and reclaimed sides. Regarding the supposable that the altitudes of the two areas were the same before the diking of the artificial levees, the recent differences occurred in the period passed from the diking of the levees to the mapping served as a basis of the DEM. The examination based on digital base was completed with the sedimentology analysis of the drilled layers of an alluviating floodplain dead bed. Regarding the altitudes of the active floodplain and the reclaimed side in the three sample areas the same results were yielded using two different methods. The mean altitude of the active floodplains exceeded with 0.2-1.1 m the altitude of the reclaimed sides. Going downstream the rate of the sedimentation is decreasing with the decrease of the gradient. |
Keywords: | Tisza, floodplain, active floodplain, dead-bed, accumulation |
References: | The River Tisza formerly and recently (in Hungarian). Magyar Királyi Országos Vízépítési Igazgatóság. Budapest, Pallas Kiadó. 1906. The layout, longitudinal section and the cross section of the River Tisza from Tiszabecs to Szeged (in Hungarian). Magyar Királyi Állami Térképészet. Budapest, 1934. Babák K. 2006: The sedimentation of the active floodplain of the Hármas-Körös Rivers since the river regulation (in Hungarian). Földrajzi értesítő 55/3-4. 393-399. Borsy Z. 1972: Sediment and morphologic examinations in Szatmár-plain after the flood in 1970 (in Hungarian). Földrajzi Közlemények, 96. 1. 38-42. Braun M. – Szalóki I. – Posta J. – Dezső Z. 2003: Evaluation of the rate of the sedimentation in the active floodplain of the River Tisza. MHT XXI. Vándorgyűlés, CD-kiadvány, 2003 Dezső Z. – Szabó Sz. – Bihari Á. 2009: The temporal formation of the sedimentary deposition of the active floodplain of the River Tisza, based on the gamma-spectrometric examination of 137Cs-izotope (in Hungarian). In: Mócsy I. – Szacsvai K. – Urák I. – Zsigmond A. R. (szerk): Proc. V. Kárpát-medencei Környezettudományi Konferencia, Sapientia-Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Kolozsvár pp. 443-438. Gábris Gy. – Telebisz T. – Nagy B. – Belardinelli E. 2002: The problems of the sedimentary deposition of the active floodplain of the River Tisza and the geomorphologic bases of the alluviation (in Hungarian). Vízügyi Közlemények, LXXXIV. évfolyam, 3. füzet, 305-316. Ihrig D. 1973: The history of the Hungarian river regulation (in Hungarian). pp. 294-296. Budapest, 1973 Illés L. – Konecsny K. 2000: The hydrologic effects of the forests on the floods in the catchment area of the Upper Tisza (in Hungarian). Vízügyi Közlemények, LXXXII. évfolyam. 2. füzet, 167-195. Konecsny K. 2002: The effects of the forests of the highlands and hills on the water run-off, especially in the catchment area of the Upper Tisza (in Hungarian). Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2002. 82. évfolyam, 6. szám. Konecsny K. 2003: The hydrologic evaluation of the floods from 1998 to 2001 in the Upper Tisza (in Hungarian). Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2003. 83. évfolyam, 2. szám. Kiss T. – Jóri Z. – Mezősi G. – Barta K. 2000: Heavy metal pollution of sediments along the River Tisza due to cyanide contamination. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium and Exhibition on Enviromental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague Kiss T. – Sipos Gy. – Fiala K. 2002: Examination of the rate of the recent sedimentation in the Lower Tisza (in Hungarian). Vízügyi Közlemények, LXXXIV. évfolyam, 3. füzet, 456-467. Kiss T. – Sipos Gy. 2001: Examination of the connection between the morphology and the heavy metal content in the bed and the active floodplain of the River Maros (in Hungarian). In: Keményfi R. – Illyés Z. (szerk): A táj megértése felé. Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Eger. 63-83. Nagy I.– Schweitzer F. – Alföldi L. 2001: Sedimentation (natural levees) in the active floodplain (in Hungarian). LXXXIII. évfolyam, 4. füzet, 539-560. Oroszi V. – Kiss T. 2004: Examination of the faster sedimentary deposition due to the river regulation in an active floodplain in the Hungarian section of the River Maros (in Hungarian). A II. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia CD kiadványa, Szeged Oroszi V. – Sándor A. – Kiss T. 2006: Examination of the sedimentary deposition caused by the flood in the spring of 2005 near the River Maros and the short section of the Middle-Tisza (in Hungarian). In: Kiss A. – Mezősi G. – Sümegi Z. (szerk): Táj, környezet és társadalom, Szeged, 551-561. Sándor A. – Kiss T. 2006: Examination of the sedimentationin the Middle- and the Lower-Tisza (in Hungarian). Hidrológiai Közlöny 86/2. 58-62. Sándor A. – Kiss T. 2007: Examination of the sedimentation caused by the flood in the spring of 2006 and the influential factors in the Middle-Tisza near Szolnok (in Hungarian). Hidrológiai Közlöny 87/4, 19-24. Szabó Sz. – Posta J. 2008: The heavy metal content of the geological solid and the rate of the sedimentation in the active floodplain of the River Tisza (in Hungarian). In: Püspöki Z. (szerk): Tanulmányok a geológia tárgyköréből dr. Kozák Miklós tiszteletére. Debrecen pp. 85-90. Szalai Z. – Baloghné di Gléria M. – Jakab G. – Csuták M. – Bádonyi K. – Tóth A. 2005: The role of the the river banks’ shape in the granulometric composition of the sediments deposited in the active floodplains and the heavy metal fractions, with the examples of the Duna and Tisza (in Hungarian). Földrajzi Értesítő 54/ 1-2, 61-84. Schweitzer F. – Nagy I. – Alföldi L. 2002: Formation of recent levees and sedimentation in the active floodplain of the Middle-Tisza (in Hungarian). Földrajzi Értesítő. 2002. LI. évfolyam, 3-4. füzet pp. 257-278. Soster, F. M. – Matisoff, G. – Whiting, P. J. – Fornes, W. – Ketterer, M. – Szechenyi, S. 2007: Floodplain sedimentation rates in an alpine watershed determined by radionuclide techniques. Earth Surface Processes and Landsforms 32, 2038-2051. (2007) Vass R. 2007: Additives to the sedimentation of the reclaimed side and the active floodplain in Bereg-plain regarding the flood int he spring of 2001 (in Hungarian). ACTA GGM DEBRECINA Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Gepgraphy Series, Debrecen Vol.: 2, 229-235. Vass R. – Szabó J. – Tóth Cs. 2009: The morphology and accumulation in the active floodplain of the Upper Tisza (in Hungarian). In: Kiss T. (szerk) Természetföldrajzi folyamatok és formák. Geográfus Doktoranduszok IX. Országos Konferenciájának Természetföldrajzos Tanulmányai, 2009, Szeged pp. 1-11. Vass R. – Szabó G. – Szabó J. 2009: Examination of sedimentary deposition in the active floodplains of Bereg-plain. In: Ing. A. Celková (Editor) 17th International Poster Day and Istitute of Hidrology Open Day, Transport of water, chemicals and energy in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. 2009, Pozsony (Bratislava) pp. 713-722. Wyzga, B. 1999. Estimating mean flow velocity in channel and floodplain areas and its use for explaining the pattern of overbank deposition and floodplain retention. Geomorphology 28. pp. 281-297. Zhao, Y. – Marriott, S. – Rogers, J. – Iwugo, K. 1999. A preliminary study of heavy metal distribution on the floodplain of the River Severn, U.K. by a single flood event. Science of the Total Environment 243/244. pp. 219-231. |
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Correspondence: | Róbert Vass, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Technology and Sciences, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, no. 1 Egyetem tér, H-4032 Debrecen, e-mail: vass.robert80@gmail.com |
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Article Title: | Examination of sedimentary deposition in the active floodplains of Bereg-plain |
Authors: | Robert Vass, Gergely Szabo, Jozsef Szabo |
Affiliation: | University of Debrecen, Faculty of Technology and Sciences, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics |
Abstract: | In the last decade more and more science deals with the problems of the floodplain sedimentation and the higher peaks of the flood water-level, with the same discharge drew the attention to these issues. This process can be explained by the diminution of the cross-section. Since the width of the active floodplain is stabile, the diminution is the consequence of the alluviation (the rise of the bottom level). The chosen sample areas – three floodplain dilatations (the water slows down here so the sedimentation is more considerable) – are situated in the right bank of the River Tisza between Tarpa and Jánd. We tried to prove the existence of the sedimentation with Digital Elevation Model (DEM) made from 1:10000 maps, comparing the mean altitude of the active floodplains and reclaimed sides. Regarding the supposable that the altitudes of the two areas were the same before the diking of the artificial levees, the recent differences occurred in the period passed from the diking of the levees to the mapping served as a basis of the DEM. The examination based on digital base was completed with the sedimentology analysis of the drilled layers of an alluviating floodplain dead bed. Regarding the altitudes of the active floodplain and the reclaimed side in the three sample areas the same results were yielded using two different methods. The mean altitude of the active floodplains exceeded with 0.2-1.1 m the altitude of the reclaimed sides. Going downstream the rate of the sedimentation is decreasing with the decrease of the gradient. |
Keywords: | Tisza, floodplain, active floodplain, dead-bed, accumulation |
References: | The River Tisza formerly and recently (in Hungarian). Magyar Királyi Országos Vízépítési Igazgatóság. Budapest, Pallas Kiadó. 1906. The layout, longitudinal section and the cross section of the River Tisza from Tiszabecs to Szeged (in Hungarian). Magyar Királyi Állami Térképészet. Budapest, 1934. Babák K. 2006: The sedimentation of the active floodplain of the Hármas-Körös Rivers since the river regulation (in Hungarian). Földrajzi értesítő 55/3-4. 393-399. Borsy Z. 1972: Sediment and morphologic examinations in Szatmár-plain after the flood in 1970 (in Hungarian). Földrajzi Közlemények, 96. 1. 38-42. Braun M. – Szalóki I. – Posta J. – Dezső Z. 2003: Evaluation of the rate of the sedimentation in the active floodplain of the River Tisza. MHT XXI. Vándorgyűlés, CD-kiadvány, 2003 Dezső Z. – Szabó Sz. – Bihari Á. 2009: The temporal formation of the sedimentary deposition of the active floodplain of the River Tisza, based on the gamma-spectrometric examination of 137Cs-izotope (in Hungarian). In: Mócsy I. – Szacsvai K. – Urák I. – Zsigmond A. R. (szerk): Proc. V. Kárpát-medencei Környezettudományi Konferencia, Sapientia-Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Kolozsvár pp. 443-438. Gábris Gy. – Telebisz T. – Nagy B. – Belardinelli E. 2002: The problems of the sedimentary deposition of the active floodplain of the River Tisza and the geomorphologic bases of the alluviation (in Hungarian). Vízügyi Közlemények, LXXXIV. évfolyam, 3. füzet, 305-316. Ihrig D. 1973: The history of the Hungarian river regulation (in Hungarian). pp. 294-296. Budapest, 1973 Illés L. – Konecsny K. 2000: The hydrologic effects of the forests on the floods in the catchment area of the Upper Tisza (in Hungarian). Vízügyi Közlemények, LXXXII. évfolyam. 2. füzet, 167-195. Konecsny K. 2002: The effects of the forests of the highlands and hills on the water run-off, especially in the catchment area of the Upper Tisza (in Hungarian). Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2002. 82. évfolyam, 6. szám. Konecsny K. 2003: The hydrologic evaluation of the floods from 1998 to 2001 in the Upper Tisza (in Hungarian). Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2003. 83. évfolyam, 2. szám. Kiss T. – Jóri Z. – Mezősi G. – Barta K. 2000: Heavy metal pollution of sediments along the River Tisza due to cyanide contamination. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium and Exhibition on Enviromental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague Kiss T. – Sipos Gy. – Fiala K. 2002: Examination of the rate of the recent sedimentation in the Lower Tisza (in Hungarian). Vízügyi Közlemények, LXXXIV. évfolyam, 3. füzet, 456-467. Kiss T. – Sipos Gy. 2001: Examination of the connection between the morphology and the heavy metal content in the bed and the active floodplain of the River Maros (in Hungarian). In: Keményfi R. – Illyés Z. (szerk): A táj megértése felé. Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Eger. 63-83. Nagy I.– Schweitzer F. – Alföldi L. 2001: Sedimentation (natural levees) in the active floodplain (in Hungarian). LXXXIII. évfolyam, 4. füzet, 539-560. Oroszi V. – Kiss T. 2004: Examination of the faster sedimentary deposition due to the river regulation in an active floodplain in the Hungarian section of the River Maros (in Hungarian). A II. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia CD kiadványa, Szeged Oroszi V. – Sándor A. – Kiss T. 2006: Examination of the sedimentary deposition caused by the flood in the spring of 2005 near the River Maros and the short section of the Middle-Tisza (in Hungarian). In: Kiss A. – Mezősi G. – Sümegi Z. (szerk): Táj, környezet és társadalom, Szeged, 551-561. Sándor A. – Kiss T. 2006: Examination of the sedimentationin the Middle- and the Lower-Tisza (in Hungarian). Hidrológiai Közlöny 86/2. 58-62. Sándor A. – Kiss T. 2007: Examination of the sedimentation caused by the flood in the spring of 2006 and the influential factors in the Middle-Tisza near Szolnok (in Hungarian). Hidrológiai Közlöny 87/4, 19-24. Szabó Sz. – Posta J. 2008: The heavy metal content of the geological solid and the rate of the sedimentation in the active floodplain of the River Tisza (in Hungarian). In: Püspöki Z. (szerk): Tanulmányok a geológia tárgyköréből dr. Kozák Miklós tiszteletére. Debrecen pp. 85-90. Szalai Z. – Baloghné di Gléria M. – Jakab G. – Csuták M. – Bádonyi K. – Tóth A. 2005: The role of the the river banks’ shape in the granulometric composition of the sediments deposited in the active floodplains and the heavy metal fractions, with the examples of the Duna and Tisza (in Hungarian). Földrajzi Értesítő 54/ 1-2, 61-84. Schweitzer F. – Nagy I. – Alföldi L. 2002: Formation of recent levees and sedimentation in the active floodplain of the Middle-Tisza (in Hungarian). Földrajzi Értesítő. 2002. LI. évfolyam, 3-4. füzet pp. 257-278. Soster, F. M. – Matisoff, G. – Whiting, P. J. – Fornes, W. – Ketterer, M. – Szechenyi, S. 2007: Floodplain sedimentation rates in an alpine watershed determined by radionuclide techniques. Earth Surface Processes and Landsforms 32, 2038-2051. (2007) Vass R. 2007: Additives to the sedimentation of the reclaimed side and the active floodplain in Bereg-plain regarding the flood int he spring of 2001 (in Hungarian). ACTA GGM DEBRECINA Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Gepgraphy Series, Debrecen Vol.: 2, 229-235. Vass R. – Szabó J. – Tóth Cs. 2009: The morphology and accumulation in the active floodplain of the Upper Tisza (in Hungarian). In: Kiss T. (szerk) Természetföldrajzi folyamatok és formák. Geográfus Doktoranduszok IX. Országos Konferenciájának Természetföldrajzos Tanulmányai, 2009, Szeged pp. 1-11. Vass R. – Szabó G. – Szabó J. 2009: Examination of sedimentary deposition in the active floodplains of Bereg-plain. In: Ing. A. Celková (Editor) 17th International Poster Day and Istitute of Hidrology Open Day, Transport of water, chemicals and energy in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. 2009, Pozsony (Bratislava) pp. 713-722. Wyzga, B. 1999. Estimating mean flow velocity in channel and floodplain areas and its use for explaining the pattern of overbank deposition and floodplain retention. Geomorphology 28. pp. 281-297. Zhao, Y. – Marriott, S. – Rogers, J. – Iwugo, K. 1999. A preliminary study of heavy metal distribution on the floodplain of the River Severn, U.K. by a single flood event. Science of the Total Environment 243/244. pp. 219-231. |
*Correspondence: | Róbert Vass, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Technology and Sciences, Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, no. 1 Egyetem tér, H-4032 Debrecen, e-mail: vass.robert80@gmail.com |