Biotic index at secondary education level and its adaptation in the sustainable development…

Biotic index at secondary education level and its adaptation in the sustainable development…

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Article Title: Biotic index at secondary education level and its adaptation in the sustainable development (Hungary)
Authors: Barbara Rácz1*, Zsolt Kotroczó2, György Vincze2, László Dobi3, József Posta4
Affiliation: 1 Department of Ecology, University of Debrecen
2 Institute of Biology, Collage of Nyíregyháza
3 Izsó Miklós Secondary Grammar School, Edelény
4 Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry University of Debrecen
Abstract: During our work we are going to introduce the following methods: using bioindication for high school education, popularizing an effective method for environmental education, providing exercise focused professional knowledge. The Belgian Ministry of Public Health started to use the Belgian Biotic Index method in 1978, which was tested by several laboratories, and used as the official biological water labeling method since 1984. BBI’s simplified version, which can be used also for secondary school education, is the BISEL, which is fast, does not require huge investment, and integrates the taxonomy, the ecology and chemistry. We use zoological taxonomy to determinate macroinvertebrate taxa. Familiarizing the program for wider audience should be a good opportunity to educate natural science in a more effective, exercise focused way. Our most important result is that these can be executed by high school students, who should gain routine on field work and water quality monitoring; therefore we can help their environmentally aware development. One of the most important tasks of these schools is to create the chance for the new generation, so they will be able to operate local communities in a sustainable way.
Keywords: BISEL, macroinvertebrate, Belgian Biotic Index, Bódva River, water qualification, environmental education, sustainable development
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*Correspondence: Barbara Rácz, University of Debrecen, Department of Ecology, H-4032 Egyetem tér 1. Debrecen, Hungary, Tel. +36-(52)-512-900 email: