Phytocoenological studies on oligotroph peat bog of Bihorului mountains

Phytocoenological studies on oligotroph peat bog of Bihorului mountains

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Article_Title: Phytocoenological studies on oligotroph peat bog of Bihorului mountains
Authors: Petru Burescu1*, George Togor2
Affiliation: 1 University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection, Oradea, Romania
2 University of Oradea, Doctoral School, Oradea, Romania
Abstract: The oligotrophic peat bog of Bihorului Mountains are quartered in the valleys with northern exposure, of siliceous substrate, forming habitats with high conservation value, which are home to over 10 rare relict species. The phytocoenosis of the associations Sphagnetum magellanici, Sphagno cuspidati – Rhynchosporetum albae, Caricetum limosae were analyzed by us in terms of floristic composition, ecological spectra of the type of life forms and floral elements, in terms of chart ecological factors: moisture, soil temperature and chemical reaction.
Keywords: phytocoenosis, association, peat bog, life forms, floristic elements, glacial relicts, brook Bătrâna, Călineasa plane, Bihorului Mountains
References: Bartsch J. et M., (1940): Vegetationskunde des Schwrywald. Planzensoziologie, 4, 229, Jena
Borza A., (1934): Studii fitosociologice în Munţii Retezat, Bul. Grăd. Botanice şi al Muz. Botanic, 16, Cluj
Borza A., Boşcaiu N., (1965): Introducere în studiul covorului vegetal, Ed.Acad. R.P.Române, 340, Bucureşti
Braun W., (1968): Die Kalkflachmoore und ihre wichtigsten Kontaktgesellschaften im Bayerischen Alpenworland., Diss.Bot., 1, Lehre, 134 p., München
Braun W., (1970): Bestimmungsübersicht fur die Kalkflachmoore und deren wichtigsten Kontaktgesellschaften im Bayerischen Alpenvorland., Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 42, 109-138, München
Braun-Blanquet J., (1926): Etudes phytosociologiques en Auvergene., 94., Clermont-Ferrand
Braun-Blanquet J., Pavillard J., (1928): Vocabulaire de sociologie., Edit.3, Imprimerie Roumegous et Dehan, Montpellier
Coldea G., (1981): Untersuchngen der azidophilen Flachmoorgessellschaften aus Rumänien (Scheuchzeria palustris Nord.1937 und Caricetalia fuscae Koch 1926 em. Nordh. 1937)., Phytocoenologia, Stuttgart-Braunschweig 9 (4):499-531
Coldea G., Marchievici F., (1978): Chemical composition of three raised peat waters from Romania., Rev. Roum. Biol., Ser. Bot., 23, 1 95-99, Bucureşti
Coldea G., Plămadă E., (1970): Contribuţii la studiul clasei Scheuchzerio – Caricetea fuscae Nordh. 1936 din România, Hidrobiologia, 11: 105-116, Bucureşti
Coldea G., Plămadă E. (1980): Contribuţii la studiul clasei Scheuchzerio – Caricetea fuscae Nordh. 1936 din România (III), Hidrobiologia, 16: 109-117, Bucureşti
Coldea G, Plămadă E. (1989): Vegetaţia mlaştinilor oligotrofe din Carpaţii româneşti (Clasa Oxycocco – Sphagnetea Tx. 1943), Contrib. Bot., 37-43, Cluj-Napoca
Coldea G., Plămadă E., Bartok Ecaterina (1977): Contribuţii la studiul clasei Scheuchzerio – Caricetea fuscae Nordh.1936 din România (IV), Contrib. Bot., 69-78, Cluj-Napoca
Coldea G., Plămadă E., Wagner I., (1997): Contribuţii la studiul vegetaţiei României (II), Marisia, Studia Scientiarum Naturae, 25, 83-100, Târgu-Mureş
Dierschke H., (1979): Gründland – Gesellschaften im oberen Paznauner Tal (Tirol – Osterreich), Phytocoenologia (Festband Tüxen), 6, 287-302, Stuttgart – Graunschweig
Dierssen K., (1977): Zur Synökologie von Betula nana in Mitteleuropa. Phytocoenologia, 4, (2), 180-205, Stuttgart
Dierssen K., Reichelt H., (1988): Zur Gliederung des Rhynchosporion albae W.Koch 1926 in Europa, Phytocoenologia, 16(1), 37-104, Stuttgart – Braunschweig
Duvigneaud P., (1949): Classification phytosociologiques des tourbières de l’Europe., Bull. Soc. Roy. De Belgique, 81, 58-129, Bruxelles
Feldmeyer E., (1985) : Etude phyto-écologiques de la tourbière des Tenasses., Botanica Helvetica, 95(1), 99-115
Géhu J.M., Richard J. et Tüxen R., (1972): Compte-rendu de l’excursion de l’Association Internationale de Phytosociologie dans le Jura en Juin 1967 (I, II)., Documents Phytosociologiques, 2, 1-45 ; 3, 1-50, Lille
Kaule G., (1973): Die végétation der moore in Hinteren Bayerischen Wald., Telma., 3, 67-100, Hannover
Krisai R., (1971/1972): Zur Gliederung des Schlammseggenmoores (Caricetum limosae s.l.) in Mitteleuropa. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., 110/111, 99-110, Wien
Neuhäusl R., (1972): Subkontinentale Hochmore und ihre Vegetation. Studie CSAV, 13, 121, Praha
Oberdorfer E., (1977): Süddeutsche Pflanzengesellschaften., Teil I, 2, Aufl., 311 S., Jena
Phillipi G., (1977): Klasse Phragmitetea Pasg. 42, in: Oberdorfer E.(Ed.), Süddeutsche Pflanzengesellschaften., Teil I, 2. Aufl., 311 S., Jena
Pop I., Hodişan I., Cristea V. (1987): La végétation de certaines tourbières de la Vallée Izbuc (depart.Cluj), Contrib.Bot., 111-120, Cluj-Napoca
Raţiu O., Moldovan I., (1972): Consideraţii cenologice asupra vegetaţiei mlaştinei „Izvoarele” (Platoul vulcanic Gutâi-Oaş), Contrib. Bot., 149-159, Cluj-Napoca
Rybnicek K., (1970): Rhyncospora alba (L.)Vahl., its distribution, communities and habitat conditions in Czechoslovakia., Part.2, Folia Geobot Phytotax., 5, 221-263, Praha
Rybnicek K., (1974): Die vegetation der moore im südlichen Teil der Böhmisch Marischen Höhe., Vegetace CSSR, A6, 243 p, Praha.
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Correspondence: Petru Burescu, University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection, 26 Gen.Magheru street, Oradea, Romania, tel.:0040259412550, fax: 0040259416274, e-mail:

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Article Title: Phytocoenological studies on oligotroph peat bog of Bihorului mountains
Authors: Petru Burescu1*, George Togor2
Affiliation: 1 University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection, Oradea, Romania
2 University of Oradea, Doctoral School, Oradea, Romania
Abstract: The oligotrophic peat bog of Bihorului Mountains are quartered in the valleys with northern exposure, of siliceous substrate, forming habitats with high conservation value, which are home to over 10 rare relict species. The phytocoenosis of the associations Sphagnetum magellanici, Sphagno cuspidati – Rhynchosporetum albae, Caricetum limosae were analyzed by us in terms of floristic composition, ecological spectra of the type of life forms and floral elements, in terms of chart ecological factors: moisture, soil temperature and chemical reaction.
Keywords: phytocoenosis, association, peat bog, life forms, floristic elements, glacial relicts, brook Bătrâna, Călineasa plane, Bihorului Mountains
References: Bartsch J. et M., (1940): Vegetationskunde des Schwrywald. Planzensoziologie, 4, 229, Jena
Borza A., (1934): Studii fitosociologice în Munţii Retezat, Bul. Grăd. Botanice şi al Muz. Botanic, 16, Cluj
Borza A., Boşcaiu N., (1965): Introducere în studiul covorului vegetal, Ed.Acad. R.P.Române, 340, Bucureşti
Braun W., (1968): Die Kalkflachmoore und ihre wichtigsten Kontaktgesellschaften im Bayerischen Alpenworland., Diss.Bot., 1, Lehre, 134 p., München
Braun W., (1970): Bestimmungsübersicht fur die Kalkflachmoore und deren wichtigsten Kontaktgesellschaften im Bayerischen Alpenvorland., Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 42, 109-138, München
Braun-Blanquet J., (1926): Etudes phytosociologiques en Auvergene., 94., Clermont-Ferrand
Braun-Blanquet J., Pavillard J., (1928): Vocabulaire de sociologie., Edit.3, Imprimerie Roumegous et Dehan, Montpellier
Coldea G., (1981): Untersuchngen der azidophilen Flachmoorgessellschaften aus Rumänien (Scheuchzeria palustris Nord.1937 und Caricetalia fuscae Koch 1926 em. Nordh. 1937)., Phytocoenologia, Stuttgart-Braunschweig 9 (4):499-531
Coldea G., Marchievici F., (1978): Chemical composition of three raised peat waters from Romania., Rev. Roum. Biol., Ser. Bot., 23, 1 95-99, Bucureşti
Coldea G., Plămadă E., (1970): Contribuţii la studiul clasei Scheuchzerio – Caricetea fuscae Nordh. 1936 din România, Hidrobiologia, 11: 105-116, Bucureşti
Coldea G., Plămadă E. (1980): Contribuţii la studiul clasei Scheuchzerio – Caricetea fuscae Nordh. 1936 din România (III), Hidrobiologia, 16: 109-117, Bucureşti
Coldea G, Plămadă E. (1989): Vegetaţia mlaştinilor oligotrofe din Carpaţii româneşti (Clasa Oxycocco – Sphagnetea Tx. 1943), Contrib. Bot., 37-43, Cluj-Napoca
Coldea G., Plămadă E., Bartok Ecaterina (1977): Contribuţii la studiul clasei Scheuchzerio – Caricetea fuscae Nordh.1936 din România (IV), Contrib. Bot., 69-78, Cluj-Napoca
Coldea G., Plămadă E., Wagner I., (1997): Contribuţii la studiul vegetaţiei României (II), Marisia, Studia Scientiarum Naturae, 25, 83-100, Târgu-Mureş
Dierschke H., (1979): Gründland – Gesellschaften im oberen Paznauner Tal (Tirol – Osterreich), Phytocoenologia (Festband Tüxen), 6, 287-302, Stuttgart – Graunschweig
Dierssen K., (1977): Zur Synökologie von Betula nana in Mitteleuropa. Phytocoenologia, 4, (2), 180-205, Stuttgart
Dierssen K., Reichelt H., (1988): Zur Gliederung des Rhynchosporion albae W.Koch 1926 in Europa, Phytocoenologia, 16(1), 37-104, Stuttgart – Braunschweig
Duvigneaud P., (1949): Classification phytosociologiques des tourbières de l’Europe., Bull. Soc. Roy. De Belgique, 81, 58-129, Bruxelles
Feldmeyer E., (1985) : Etude phyto-écologiques de la tourbière des Tenasses., Botanica Helvetica, 95(1), 99-115
Géhu J.M., Richard J. et Tüxen R., (1972): Compte-rendu de l’excursion de l’Association Internationale de Phytosociologie dans le Jura en Juin 1967 (I, II)., Documents Phytosociologiques, 2, 1-45 ; 3, 1-50, Lille
Kaule G., (1973): Die végétation der moore in Hinteren Bayerischen Wald., Telma., 3, 67-100, Hannover
Krisai R., (1971/1972): Zur Gliederung des Schlammseggenmoores (Caricetum limosae s.l.) in Mitteleuropa. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., 110/111, 99-110, Wien
Neuhäusl R., (1972): Subkontinentale Hochmore und ihre Vegetation. Studie CSAV, 13, 121, Praha
Oberdorfer E., (1977): Süddeutsche Pflanzengesellschaften., Teil I, 2, Aufl., 311 S., Jena
Phillipi G., (1977): Klasse Phragmitetea Pasg. 42, in: Oberdorfer E.(Ed.), Süddeutsche Pflanzengesellschaften., Teil I, 2. Aufl., 311 S., Jena
Pop I., Hodişan I., Cristea V. (1987): La végétation de certaines tourbières de la Vallée Izbuc (depart.Cluj), Contrib.Bot., 111-120, Cluj-Napoca
Raţiu O., Moldovan I., (1972): Consideraţii cenologice asupra vegetaţiei mlaştinei „Izvoarele” (Platoul vulcanic Gutâi-Oaş), Contrib. Bot., 149-159, Cluj-Napoca
Rybnicek K., (1970): Rhyncospora alba (L.)Vahl., its distribution, communities and habitat conditions in Czechoslovakia., Part.2, Folia Geobot Phytotax., 5, 221-263, Praha
Rybnicek K., (1974): Die vegetation der moore im südlichen Teil der Böhmisch Marischen Höhe., Vegetace CSSR, A6, 243 p, Praha.
*Correspondence: Petru Burescu, University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection, 26 Gen.Magheru street, Oradea, Romania, tel.:0040259412550, fax: 0040259416274, e-mail: