Conditions that land reclamation must ensure sustainable agriculture
October 17, 2010
Conditions that land reclamation must ensure sustainable agriculture
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Title: | Conditions that land reclamation must ensure sustainable agriculture |
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Article_Title: | Conditions that land reclamation must ensure sustainable agriculture |
Authors: | Sima Belic, Milica Rajkovic |
Affiliation: | Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Water Management,Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8, Novi Sad |
Abstract: | In order to protect the natural resources used, it is necessary that vegetable production has such a concept that its influence with the optimization minimizes the required yield. For this purpose it is necessary to adjust the measures taken for the purpose of regulation of water-air regime, especially in the area where land reclamation applied. This difficult task represents a harmony of attitudes and approaches that are often contradictory; therefore it is necessary to make preparations for the changes in the existing principles of the existing land reclamation practices. These changes reflect primarily in the rational use of resources that could result in the protection and improvement of biodiversity and therefore stable ecosystem in the agricultural area. |
Keywords: | Land reclamation, sustainable land reclamation, sustainable agriculture, biotechnical measures |
References: | Belić S., Belić Anđelka, Rajković Milica (2007) Obraslost kanala za odvodnjavanja kao činilac očuvanja kvaliteta vode, Letopis naučnih radova, Vol 31, No 1, str. 90-97, Novi Sad Belić S., Rajković Milica (2008) Povećanje efikasnosti odvodnjavanja primenom bioloških mera, Letopis naučnih radova, Vol 32, No 1, str. 118-126, Novi Sad Belić S., Rajković Milica (2010) Melioracije kao osnova održivog razvoja, Melioracije 10, 1-6, Novi Sad Falkenmark M., Galaz V. (2007) Agriculture, Water and Ecosystems, Swedish Water House Policy Brief, No 6, 1-16, SIWI, Sweden Heuperman A. Kapoor A. Denecke (2002) Biodrainage – principles, experiences and applications, IPTRID, FAO, Rome, pp. 79 Leleš B. (2007) Promene kvaliteta kanalske vode pod uticajem rasutog zagađenja iz poljoprivrede, magistarski rad, str. 110, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad. Leleš B. (2007a) Mineralna đubriva kao rasuti zagađivač voda i procena ispiranja azota metodom Kolenbrander, Melioracije 07 – Stanje i perspektve, 201-205, Novi Sad Letić Lj. (2002) Korišćenje voda u šumskim područjima, I deo – Uređivanje voda Bioregulacije, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet, Beograd Piperski Jasna, Belić S. (2002) Mogućnost primene principa deep ecology u održivoj poljoprivredi, Letopis naučnih radova Vol 26, No 1, 102-110, Novi Sad. Rajković Milica, Belić S. (2008) Mogućnost primene biotehničkih mera u cilju očuvanja životne sredine, Zaštita prirode, 60/1-2, 559-566, Beograd, Rodrigez D., Molden D. (2007) Stockholm Water Front, A forum for global water issues, No.2, June 2007 Sloots K. Vlies A.W. (2006) Emmision Reduction by Multipurpose Buffer Strips on Arable Fields, IWA DipCon 2006, C – 99, 18-22 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey. Stojšić M. et al. (1985) Vodoprivredna osnova Vojvodine – Prednacrt, str. 518, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Institut za uređenje voda, Novi Sad. Sutherland W. et all (2006) The Identification of 100 Ecological Questions of High Policy Relevance in the UK, Journal of Applied Ecology, No 43, 617-627, UK. Vajagić Anđelka, Belić S. (1989) Kvalitet i zagađivanje voda za navodnjavanje nekih akumulacija u SAPV, Vodoprivreda 119-120, 387-392, Beograd. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/20-2010/20-2-2010/SU20-2-10Belic.pdf |
Correspondence: | Belic Sima, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of water management, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, email: |
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Article Title: | Conditions that land reclamation must ensure sustainable agriculture |
Authors: | Sima Belic, Milica Rajkovic |
Affiliation: | Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Water Management,Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8, Novi Sad |
Abstract: | In order to protect the natural resources used, it is necessary that vegetable production has such a concept that its influence with the optimization minimizes the required yield. For this purpose it is necessary to adjust the measures taken for the purpose of regulation of water-air regime, especially in the area where land reclamation applied. This difficult task represents a harmony of attitudes and approaches that are often contradictory; therefore it is necessary to make preparations for the changes in the existing principles of the existing land reclamation practices. These changes reflect primarily in the rational use of resources that could result in the protection and improvement of biodiversity and therefore stable ecosystem in the agricultural area. |
Keywords: | Land reclamation, sustainable land reclamation, sustainable agriculture, biotechnical measures |
References: | Belić S., Belić Anđelka, Rajković Milica (2007) Obraslost kanala za odvodnjavanja kao činilac očuvanja kvaliteta vode, Letopis naučnih radova, Vol 31, No 1, str. 90-97, Novi Sad Belić S., Rajković Milica (2008) Povećanje efikasnosti odvodnjavanja primenom bioloških mera, Letopis naučnih radova, Vol 32, No 1, str. 118-126, Novi Sad Belić S., Rajković Milica (2010) Melioracije kao osnova održivog razvoja, Melioracije 10, 1-6, Novi Sad Falkenmark M., Galaz V. (2007) Agriculture, Water and Ecosystems, Swedish Water House Policy Brief, No 6, 1-16, SIWI, Sweden Heuperman A. Kapoor A. Denecke (2002) Biodrainage – principles, experiences and applications, IPTRID, FAO, Rome, pp. 79 Leleš B. (2007) Promene kvaliteta kanalske vode pod uticajem rasutog zagađenja iz poljoprivrede, magistarski rad, str. 110, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad. Leleš B. (2007a) Mineralna đubriva kao rasuti zagađivač voda i procena ispiranja azota metodom Kolenbrander, Melioracije 07 – Stanje i perspektve, 201-205, Novi Sad Letić Lj. (2002) Korišćenje voda u šumskim područjima, I deo – Uređivanje voda Bioregulacije, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet, Beograd Piperski Jasna, Belić S. (2002) Mogućnost primene principa deep ecology u održivoj poljoprivredi, Letopis naučnih radova Vol 26, No 1, 102-110, Novi Sad. Rajković Milica, Belić S. (2008) Mogućnost primene biotehničkih mera u cilju očuvanja životne sredine, Zaštita prirode, 60/1-2, 559-566, Beograd, Rodrigez D., Molden D. (2007) Stockholm Water Front, A forum for global water issues, No.2, June 2007 Sloots K. Vlies A.W. (2006) Emmision Reduction by Multipurpose Buffer Strips on Arable Fields, IWA DipCon 2006, C – 99, 18-22 September 2006, Istanbul, Turkey. Stojšić M. et al. (1985) Vodoprivredna osnova Vojvodine – Prednacrt, str. 518, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Institut za uređenje voda, Novi Sad. Sutherland W. et all (2006) The Identification of 100 Ecological Questions of High Policy Relevance in the UK, Journal of Applied Ecology, No 43, 617-627, UK. Vajagić Anđelka, Belić S. (1989) Kvalitet i zagađivanje voda za navodnjavanje nekih akumulacija u SAPV, Vodoprivreda 119-120, 387-392, Beograd. |
*Correspondence: | Belic Sima, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of water management, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, email: |