Researches regarding the species of plants from the sands in the north-west of Romania

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Article Title: Researches regarding the species of plants from the sands in the north-west of Romania
Authors: Adriana OPREA*, Aurel ARDELEAN
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” West University Arad, Romania

The latest scientific flora research (researches accomplished on the continental sands from the North-West region of the country), emphasized that there are compositional changes of the vegetal layer. In the experimental stations, the natural surfaces suffered a restriction, especially in the case of semi-fixed sand hills. This contributes to a numeric reduction of plants. The sand hills’ peculiar vegetation was affected by the expansion of some ruderal plants and weeds, with a local invasive character. The recent increase of dereliction areas influences negatively the persistency of specific rare species. Under these circumstances, during 2008, some rare species were rediscovered; some of them have not been signalized during the last 30 years, being considered disappeared from the flora in the North-West of Romania.

Keywords: semi-fixed sand hills, ruderal plants, invasive character, flora of sands
*Correspondence: Adriana Oprea, Colegiul Naţional “Mihai Eminescu” Satu Mare, strada Mihai Eminescu, nr. 5, Satu Mare, Tel. 0361417074, e-mail: