Program cadru privind cercetarile ihtiocenozelor din ecosistemele naturale si antropizate…
Program – cadru privind cercetarile ihtiocenozelor din ecosistemele naturale si antropizate din Romania in vederea restaurarii si conservarii acestora
Autori: Klaus Werner Battes, Ferdinand Pricope, Dorel Ureche, Ionut Stoica, Karina Battes
Afiliere: Universitatea din Bacau, Universitatea “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca
FRAMEWORK PROJECT OF THE ICHTIOCENOSIS RESEARCH OF THE NATURAL AND ANTHROPIC ECO-SYSTEMS FROM ROMANIA WITH A VIEW OF THEIR RESTAURATION AND PROTECTION. A framework program concerning the ichtiocenosis research is presented from the natural and anthropic Romanian eco-systems, with a view of restaurating and protecting them. European Union norms are followed in order to achieve an effective management of the aquatic and wet areas eco-systems. A series of aspects concerning ecological restauration and the method used in the integrated ecological monitoring are being introduced. As a conclusion to all determinations and investigations performed, one can set up the real estate of the aquatic eco-systems according to the ichtiocenosis estate, thus being possible the selection of the proper management pattern, which differs from one system to the other.
Keywords: ichtiocenosis, natural eco-systems, anthropic eco-systems, restauration and ecological protection