Situatia actuala a ihtiofaunei de apa dulce a Romaniei sub aspect faunistic, taxonomic…
Situaţia actuala a ihtiofaunei de apa dulce a Romaniei sub aspect faunistic, taxonomic si al protectiei
Autori: Petru M. Banarescu
Afiliere: Academiei Romana
CURRENT SITUATION OF THE ROMANIAN FRESH WATER ICHTIOFAUNA FROM THE FAUNISTIC, TAXONOMIC AND PROTECTION VIEWPOINT. The study shows the current situation of the Romania’s fresh water situation from the faunistic, taxonomic and protection point of view. The following categories of types and species are being approached: a. wrongly quoted in Romania; b. whose name entered into usage modified according to the zoology nomenclature code; c. whose status was changes according to recent studies; d. identified in Romania after 1964; e. recently described in Romania; f. foreign, recently introduced or invaded into the Romanian waters; g. disappeared or almost disappeared from the Romanian fauna. At the end, the author presents the anthropic impact on the Romanian ichtiofauna and the ichtiologists’ task to fight against pollution.
Keywords: wrongly quoted species, species with a modified name, foreign species, disappeared species, anthropic impact