Flora si vegetatia din parcul natural lunca Muresului inferior
Autori: Aurel Ardelean, Violeta Buruiana, Iulian Octavian Stana
Afiliere: Facultatea de Biologie, Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” Arad
THE FLORA AND VEGETATION OF NATURAL PARC MEADOW RIVER MURES INFERIOR. Our research on Mures River Meadow, Romania had as it’s main objective to study the flora and vegetation units in order to systematize the scientific fundamentals of conservation methods for the proposed perimeter as a natural park. Our results show that the bioforms have the following values: hemicryptophitae (56.18%), geophyitae (13.4%), annual terophytae (8.76%), chamaephytae (6.7%), megaphanerophytae (6.18%), biannual terophytae (5.15%), mesophanerophytae, nanophanerophytae, helohidatophytae, epiphytae. Phytogeografic analisys of the Mures River Meadow’s flora has evidentiated the following percents: euroasiatic elements (39.69%); central-european elements (26.28%); termophylae elements (submediterranean, 5.67%; mediterranean, 4.63%; balcanic, 1.03%). Ecological spectrum of Mures River Meadow flora from Lipova-Nădlac region (Romania) show that, related to humidity, mesophytae (45.87%) and xeromesophytae (43.81%) record similar proportions, fact that indicates a mesoxerophil forest vegetation caracteristic to dome regions found in South-West of Romania, dominated by Quercus cerris and Quercus frainetto. After temperature parameters most of the species are mesothermal (71.20%) followed by moderate-termophil species and termophils (15.80%) that are found in a high percentage for this region’s latitude. Soil reaction indications show that the majority of the species are acid-neutrophil (70.61%) followed by amphytolerant species (20.6%). In reduced proportions we found neutral-basophil species (4.12%) and acidophils (4.63%). The floristic inventory of cormophyt plants in Arad has a total of 1925 de spontaneous taxons, represented by 1720 species, 53 sub-species, 45 varietes, 24 forms and 30 hibridogen species. The most frequent are these families: Compositae with 51 genre and 148 species; Gramineae with 42 genre and 90 species; Fabaceae 63 species; Rosaceae 58 species; Labiate 52 species; Cyperaceae 48 species; Caryophylaceae 46 species; Scrophulariaceae 45 species. We concluded that the multiple flora analisys of the studied region shows the main pedo-climatic features. Thus if we compare the vegetation by the adaptation to the ecological factors we concluded that the mesoxerophytae and the mesophytae species have the most abundant representation.
Keywords: Flora, vegetation, biodiversity, natural and anthroipic factors